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This Lab will be performed on IBM Data Science Experience platform (datascience.ibm.com). This Lab will guide you to load, analyze and visualize public health violation data to uncover interesting insights about New York Restaurants using Apache Spark, Python and Jupyter.
IBM Data Science Experience (DSX) is the premier offering that seamlessly allows data scientists and data engineers to connect data from multiple domains, to analyze and visually explore the data for insights. DSX brings together the data science development experience accumulated in R, Python, Scala, and Java, intuitive data connectivity and processing capabilities of Apache Spark, and the state-of-art dynamic visualization technology using Brunel, Pixiedust, and RStudio.
- Bluemix supported web browser
To be able do this lab a Bluemix account is necessary. If you don't have one yet -- or you did not complete the initial set up of your Bluemix account -- follow the steps below.
When you already registered and completed the initial set-up of your Bluemix account, you directly jump to Create a space in Bluemix US region.
Use Ctrl-click (or the equivalent action for your system) to open the Sign Up for Bluemix page in a separate tab. Fill in the form and click Start your FREE Bluemix trial to complete the registration. You will receive an activation mail in your inbox.
Use Ctrl-click (or the equivalent action for your system) to open the Login to Bluemix in a separate tab. First time users need to complete a 4-step wizard. This starts by accepting the terms & conditions.
Define a name for your organization.
Choose a name for your space. Typically dev
would be a good name for your first space.
On the last page, click I'm Ready to complete the set up process.
For the remainder of this lab we switch to the US region of Bluemix. For this, use Ctrl-click (or the equivalent for your system) to open the Bluemix dashboard. Click your account and choose US South as your active region.
If you are all OK, you get the dashboard. Otherwise, you will be asked to create your first space in this region -- as depicted in the screenshot below. Typically dev
would be a good name for your space.
Congrats, you're now ready to start your data science experience 😃!!
IBM Data Science Experience is an interactive, collaborative, cloud-based environment where data scientists can use multiple tools to activate their insights. In this part of the lab you will sign up for a 30-day trial of IBM Data Science Experience.
In a web browser navigate to https://datascience.ibm.com.
Click on Sign Up at the top right.
- Click on Sign in with your IBM id and enter your Bluemix credentials.
- Follow the instructions to complete the sign up for IBM Data Science Experience. Note that two Bluemix services will be created for you -- a Cloud Object Storage service and an Apache Spark service. As soon as the 'Get Started' button is clickable, click it and you should be directed to the Data Science Experience dashboard as shown below.
Click on Image to watch YouTube Video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Ub8lf4upag
- Click Start a New Notebook.
- Click From Url, Enter any Notebook Name and Description and
paste notebook URL https://github.com/justinmccoy/visualize-health-violation-data-DSX/blob/master/New%20York%20Restaurants.ipynb
Run code cells in your notebook. Note: Read instructions. Some cells require you to enter the code.
*Interface Hint: Jupyter notebooks are cell driving with commands buttons along the top. Just hit play button to run code in an active cell.