
There are 25 repositories under dsx topic.

  • snowch/movie-recommender-demo

    This project walks through how you can create recommendations using Apache Spark machine learning. There are a number of jupyter notebooks that you can run on IBM Data Science Experience, and there a live demo of a movie recommendation web application you can interact with. The demo also uses IBM Message Hub (kafka) to push application events to topic where they are consumed by a spark streaming job running on IBM BigInsights (hadoop).

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10011356
  • IBM/visualize-data-with-python

    A Jupyter notebook using some standard techniques for data science and data engineering to analyze data for the 2017 flooding in Houston, TX.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook59221878
  • Killface1980/DualSense4Rockstar

    Mods for GTA V and RDR 2 to add support for adaptive triggers to the DualSense controller via DSX

  • IBM/watson-document-classifier

    Augment IBM Watson Natural Language Understanding APIs with a configurable mechanism for text classification, uses Watson Studio.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook46201748
  • IBM/predict-opioid-prescribers

    A pattern focusing on how to use scikit learn and python in Watson Studio to predict opioid prescribers based off of a 2014 kaggle dataset.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3529538
  • IBM/node-red-dsx-workflow

    This journey helps to build a complete end-to-end analytics solution using IBM Watson Studio. This repository contains instructions to create a custom web interface to trigger the execution of Python code in Jupyter Notebook and visualise the response from Jupyter Notebook on IBM Watson Studio.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2619742
  • IBM/graph-db-insights

    Get insights from OrientDB database using PyOrient through IBM Watson Studio

    Language:Jupyter Notebook13211311
  • justinmccoy/datascience_resources

    A collection of resources to facilitate your journey into data science

  • dsx-tech/ats-example

    DSX trading bot example

  • IBM/db2-event-store-taxi-trips

    Stream data from a Java program and use a Jupyter notebook to demonstrate charting of statistics based on historical and live events. IBM Db2 Event Store is used as the event database.

  • nachoad/WDP-Quick-Start

    Watson Data Platform Quick Start guide + Data Science Experience Hands-on

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2300
  • tspannhw/mxnet-in-notebooks

    Apache MXnet running in Apache Zeppelin and in DSX Jupyter

  • hortonworks-gallery/dsx

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1202
  • forest416/dsxcut

    Split/cut datastage dsx file

  • krondor/data-science-pot

    Hands on Introduction to Apache Spark, NLP, ML and Operationalizing Models for Data Engineers, Data Scientist and Developers

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0200
  • krondor/data-science-pot-2

    Hands on Introduction to Apache Spark, ML, SPSS Modeler, Operationalizing Models, and Decision Optimization for Data Engineers, Data Scientist and Developers

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0200
  • krondor/prime-ml

    Create and deploy a predictive model using Watson Studio and Watson Machine Learning

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0200
  • louisfrolio/dsx-tutorials

    Repository dedicated to IBM Data Science Experience tutorials

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0000
  • obarrot/dsx

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • gfilla/dsxtools

    Tools built to help work with Python notebooks in Data Science Experience

  • justinmccoy/intro-dsx

    How to get started with IBM's Data Science Experience

  • justinmccoy/visualize-health-violation-data-DSX

    Load, analyze and visualize public health violation data to uncover interesting insights about New York Restaurants using Apache Spark, Python and Jupyter

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • sandra-calvo/machine-learning-DSX

    Build a model using Watson Machine Learning on Data Science Experience, running on IBM Cloud.