
MagicMirror Module for Tesla using Teslafi.com api

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This an extension for the MagicMirror.

It monitors a your Tesla Stats, such as Battery Level, Temperature, Lock status and much more! A valid TeslaFi API key is required, the key can be requested here

This is a partial re-write of the original MMM-TeslaFi by f00d4tehg0dz, which can be found here. I have chosen to not merge this version back in as it breaks some functionality of the original module.

I am happy to accept any bug reports or pull requests for new features or fixes.




Open a terminal session, navigate to your MagicMirror's modules folder and execute git clone https://github.com/mattdy/MMM-TeslaFi.git, a new folder called MMM-TeslaFi will be created.

Activate the module by adding it to the config.js file as shown in the example below.


Config Options

Option Details Example
apiKey Required - The API key from TeslaFi.com 4de3736a68714869d3e2fbda1f1b83ff
batteryDanger The percentage below which your battery level will highlight in red 40
batteryWarning The percentage below which your battery level will highlight in orange 60
precision How many decimal places to round values (such as mileage and energy) to. Defaults to 1 2
apiBase The URL to use for the TeslaFi API https://www.teslafi.com/feed.php?token=
apiQuery Extra parameters to add on to the end of the TeslaFi API call &command=lastGoodTemp
unitTemperature The unit to use for displaying temperature. Options are 'f' (Farenheight) or 'c' (Celcius). Defaults to 'c' f
unitDistance The unit to use for displaying distance. Options are 'miles' or 'km'. Defaults to 'miles' km
items The rows of data you want the module to show. See list below. By default will show all available ['battery','range-estimated','locked','odometer']
initialLoadDelay How many seconds to delay initial API call
dataTimeout How old data must be in seconds before 'data-time' is displayed. Use 0 to always show 0

Available fields

Field name Data display
battery Shows the current charge level (percent) and the charge limit
range The range (in miles) that the vehicle has available
range-estimated The estimated range (in miles) that the vehicle has available
power-connected Whether or not the vehicle is connected to a charger. If so, also displays the charge state
charge-time How long left until the charge is complete
charge-added How much energy has been added on this charge session
locked Whether or not the vehicle is locked
odometer Total mileage of the vehicle (rounded to 2 decimal places)
temperature Temperature outside and inside the vehicle (see note below)
data-time How long ago the data was collected by TeslaFi
  • Some fields (charge-time, charge-added) are only enabled if the vehicle is plugged in
  • The temperature field may not be populated if you use TeslaFi's sleep mode, which will stop this row from showing entirely. You may need to use apiQuery: "&command=lastGoodTemp" if this fails to show

Future work

  • Re-add support for metric & imperial units
  • Display Tesla location on Google Maps


Using the module

modules: [
    module: "MMM-TeslaFi",
    position: "top_left",
    config: {
      apiKey: "ENTER YOUR KEY HERE"