Scripts were written by Martin Kircher, the example is provided by Lea Starita.
The bax2bam and ccs2 scripts are available from PacBio ( Although whomever is performing the PacBio sequencing may have done the bax2bam conversion and ccs2 circular consensus calling already. Warning: Previous versions of the circular consensus caller do not work well enough. Be sure you are using ccs2.
We assume that $PACBIO
is an environment variable with the PATH to the PacBio binaries.
You will also need samtools ( and some common GNU tools, which should be available in most UNIX-based environments. In our case, a version of samtools came with the PacBio scripts.
In our example, there are three bax.h5 files for each SMRT cell which we convert:
$PACBIO/bax2bam -o pacbio/NNK/bax2bam/F_bax2bam pacbio/NNK/F01_1/Analysis_Results/m160713_210035_42134_c101034302550000001823250511171615_s1_p0.1.bax.h5 pacbio/NNK/F01_1/Analysis_Results/m160713_210035_42134_c101034302550000001823250511171615_s1_p0.2.bax.h5 pacbio/NNK/F01_1/Analysis_Results/m160713_210035_42134_c101034302550000001823250511171615_s1_p0.3.bax.h5
$PACBIO/samtools cat -h <( ($PACBIO/samtools view -H B_bax2bam.subreads.bam; $PACBIO/samtools view -H D_bax2bam.subreads.bam; $PACBIO/samtools view -H E_bax2bam.subreads.bam; $PACBIO/samtools view -H F_bax2bam.subreads.bam ) | sort | uniq ) B_bax2bam.subreads.bam D_bax2bam.subreads.bam E_bax2bam.subreads.bam F_bax2bam.subreads.bam > bax2bam_combined.subreads.bam
This step took days for us (despite using 32 threads). TPMT_NNK_css2.bam
is the name of our output file.
$PACBIO/ccs --numThreads=32 TPMT_NNK_css2.bam bax2bam_combined.subreads.bam
We are using BWA mem (version 0.7.10-r789) for alignment.
Make a reference fasta that contains all the sequence between the SMRT bell adaptors, plus a few bases of adaptor. Delete the barcode. The barcode sequence will then become an insertion in the BWA alignment
mkdir reference
cd reference
vim TPMT.fa
cd ..
$PACBIO/samtools faidx reference/TMPT.fa
bwa index -a is reference/TMPT.fa
Example shell script:
bwa mem -C -M -L 80 reference/TMPT.fa <($PACBIO/samtools view -F 1 TPMT_NNK_css2.bam | awk 'BEGIN{ FS="\t"; OFS="\n" }{ split($0,a,"\t"); helper = ""; for (i=12; i <= length(a); i++) { helper = helper""a[i]"\t"}; sub("\t$","",helper); print "@"$1" "helper,$10,"+",$11 }' ) | $PACBIO/samtools view -uS - | $PACBIO/samtools sort -o TPMT_NNK_css2_aligned.bam -
$PACBIO/samtools flagstat TPMT_NNK_css2_aligned.bam > TPMT_NNK_css2_aligned.bam_stats
Check CIGARS to make sure reference is correct and there was enough extra sequence on the ends of the reference to avoid soft-clipping. There should be a majority CIGAR with matches to the whole sequence and an insertion the size of the barcode. Very important not to have a majorty of insertions or soft-clips on either end!
$PACBIO/samtools view TPMT_NNK_css2_aligned.bam | awk '{ if ($4 == 1) print $6 }' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head
44091 781M15I221M ###Read as: 781 matches, 15 base insertion, 221 matches
13928 780M15I222M
3208 781M15I162M1D58M
2518 779M15I223M
990 780M15I163M1D58M
875 778M15I224M
792 781M15I189M1D31M
655 302M1D478M15I221M
648 1002M
619 781M14I221M
Cutoff a bunch of PacBio specific columns from the bam file so it is compatible with pysam (everything after field 13):
$PACBIO/samtools view -h TPMT_NNK_css2_aligned.bam.bam | cut -f -14 | $PACBIO/samtools view -Sb - > TPMT_NNK_css2_aligned.fix.bam
We used the following software versions: python/2.7.3 pysam/0.7.5
parses the CIGAR and MD strings to identify the insert (variable region) and the barcode. See the parameters below and make sure to adjust the defaults (e.g. length
, position
, start
, and end
) for your specific project. The -v option will let you know which filters sequences are passing.
python --help
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l BLENGTH, --length=BLENGTH
Length of the barcodes (default 16)
-p BPOS, --position=BPOS
Position of the barcode (default 52)
--start=START Start reference position for extracted sequence
(default 114)
--end=END End reference position for extracted sequence (default
Minimum base quality score (default 0)
Filter alignments by mapQ (default 0)
-s, --allow-soft-clipped
Consider soft clipped reads (default Off)
-v, --verbose Turn debug output on
In our example:
python TPMT_NNK_css2_aligned.fix.bam -l 15 -p 781 --start=8 --end=746 | gzip -c > TPMT_NNK_barcodeInsertQuals.tsv.gz assigns the most frequently associated sequence or the sequence with the best average quality score to each barcode.
Command line used in our example:
python TPMT_NNK_barcodeInsertQuals.tsv.gz | gzip -c > TMPT_NNK_barcodeInsertAssignment.tsv.gz