
2022 AI CUP Spring Competition

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Supervised Learning for Few-Shot Orchid types Classification with Prior Guided Feature

Getting the code

You can download all the files in this repository by cloning this repository:

git clone https://github.com/Jia-Wei-Liao/Orchid_Classification.git



To train the model, you can run this command:

python train.py -bs <batch size> \
                -ep <epoch> \
                --model <model> \
                --pretrain <using pretrained-weight> \
                --fold <fold of 4 fold cross validation>
                --img_size <crop and resize to img_size> \
                --loss <loss function> \
                --optim <optimizer> \
                --lr <learning rate> \
                --weight_decay <parameter weight decay> \
                --scheduler <learning rate schedule> \
                --autoaugment <use autoaugmentation> \
                --rot_degree <degree of rotation> \
                --fliplr <probabiliy of horizontal flip> \
                --noise <probabiliy of adding gaussian noise> \
                --num_workers <number worker> \
                --device <gpu id> \
                --seed <random seed>
  • model: EfficientB4, Swin, CSwin, ConvB
  • loss: CE, MCCE, FL, FLSD
  • optim: SGD, Adam, AdamW, Ranger
  • scheduler: step (gamma, step_size), cos

For EfficientNet_b4 with MCCE loss

python train.py --model EfficientB4 --img_size 416 --loss MCCE

For Swin Transformer

python train.py --model Swin --pretrain 1 --img_size 384 -bs 64 --lr 3e-4


To test the results, you can run this command:

python test.py --checkpoint <XX-XX-XX-XX-XX> --topk <number of model you want to ensemble>


To inference the results, you can run this command:

  • Version 1:
python inference.py --checkpoint 06-06-10-04-43 06-06-10-03-00 06-06-09-29-55 06-06-07-46-11 06-06-05-29-11 --topk 2 1 1 2 3
  • Version 2:
python inference.py --checkpoint 05-11-23-12-52 05-12-02-24-32 05-12-05-36-53 05-12-04-58-22 05-12-01-46-14 05-11-22-34-25 05-12-03-41-16 05-12-00-29-30 06-06-11-22-42 06-06-06-00-22 --topk 5 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1

Finally, you must convert the id to the label by runing this command:

python convert.py

Experiment results

Before training, we use RandomResizedCrop(416), RandomHorizontalFlip(p=0.5), RandomRotation(degree=10), Normalize(mean=(0.485, 0.456, 0.406), std=(0.229, 0.224, 0.225)), RandomNoise(p=0.1) and Autoaugmentation as preprocessing.

checkpoint model bs loss optimizer scheduler accuracy
04-11-23-42-37 EfficientNet-B4 16 CE AdamW (lr=1e-3) Step 0.8630
04-11-23-58-50 EfficientNet-B4 16 MCCE AdamW (lr=1e-3) Step 0.8584
04-12-00-14-06 EfficientNet-B4 32 FLSD AdamW (lr=1e-3) Step 0.8607
04-12-00-14-06 EfficientNet-B4 32 FLSD AdamW (lr=5e-3) Step 0.8402
04-12-01-49-02 EfficientNet-B4 32 CE AdamW (lr=1e-3) Step 0.8402
04-12-02-08-09 EfficientNet-B4 8 CE AdamW (lr=1e-3) Step 0.8447
04-12-02-09-10 EfficientNet-B4 16 FL AdamW (lr=1e-3) Step 0.8699
04-12-02-19-38 EfficientNet-B4 16 FLSD AdamW (lr=1e-3) Step 0.8470
04-12-16-01-10 Swin 32 CE AdamW (lr=3e-4) Step 0.8927
04-13-19-57-43 Swin 32 FL AdamW (lr=3e-4) Step 0.9110
04-13-19-57-43 Swin 64 FL AdamW (lr=3e-4) Step 0.9110
04-19-13-58-40 ConvNext-B 64 FL AdamW (lr=3e-4) Step 0.8836
04-19-21-12-43 ConvNext-B 64 FL AdamW (lr=3e-4) Step 0.8699
04-19-21-12-43 ConvNext-B 64 FLSD AdamW (lr=3e-4) Step 0.8836
04-27-17-28-28 CSwin 32 FL AdamW (lr=3e-5) Step 0.8676
04-27-19-58-18 CSwin 32 FL AdamW (lr=1e-4) Step 0.8858
04-27-21-12-57 CSwin 32 FL AdamW (lr=8e-5) Step 0.8744

GitHub Acknowledgement

We thank the authors of these repositories:


    title  = {orchid_classification},
    author = {Jia-Wei Liao, Yu-Hsi Chen, Jing-Lun Huang},
    url    = {https://github.com/Jia-Wei-Liao/Orchid_Classification},
    year   = {2022}