
🔬Package for unity3d which allow select type and members from editor inspector window

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Package for unity3d which allow select type and members from editor inspector.


  • Type inspector
  • Property inspector
  • GameObject component members inspector
  • Type, members and object filtering using attributes
  • Select method on GameObject/MonoBehaviour


All examples place in %PackageFolder%/Examples. There is example scene and MonoBehaviour components with usage this package.

TypeReference usage

public class TypeReferenceExample : MonoBehaviour
    public TypeReference type;
    public TypeReference typeFiltered;
    public bool FilterTypePredicate(Type type)
        return type.FullName.StartsWith("TypeInspector");

    public void Start()

All types:
TypeReference gif example

TypeReference gif example

PropertyReference usage

public class PropertyReferenceNoFilter : MonoBehaviour
    public PropertyReference Ref;

PropertyReference gif example

MonoPropertyReference usage

public class PropertyReferenceMonoNoFilter : MonoBehaviour
    public MonoPropertyReference P;

MonoPropertyReference gif example


For start using this package add lines into ./Packages/manifest.json like next sample:

  "dependencies": {
    "type-inspector": "https://github.com/k0dep/type-inspector.git#1.0.0"

Instead #1.0.0 paste version what you need.