
Still supported? & Possibly standalone .framework for MGLKit only

hamarb123 opened this issue · 1 comments

Just wanted to check that this is still supported & will be getting relevant patches from angle (other than Apple's ones)? Just wondering as there haven't been many commits recently.
Also, is it possible to build this in a way where it builds the MetalANGLE.framework but without the OpenGL ES & EGL entry points in the main binary (they could still be advertised there though & forward to the other files) i.e. I'd like the framework abstraction for the MGLKit API but with seperate libEGL.dylib & libGLESv2.dylib files that I could possibly swap out in the future to a standard ANGLE build.
Thanks for all your work though, I have especially found your MGLKit API incredibly useful!

Hi thanks for being interested in this project.
I have been busy with my real works lately hence haven’t updated this open source project for a while.

in term of back porting updates from official angle. I will still do it but I won’t pull every update from them since most are just changes made to other backends (vulkan, d3d, etc).

Your request for separate MGLKit lib is understandable. I will add it to next to-do list.