
Example of mixing MetalANGLE with Qt's QML

Primary LanguageC


Example of mixing MetalANGLE with Qt's QML.

  • This example is based on Qt's metaltextureimport example.
  • This example uses a shared Metal texture between MetalANGLE & Qt's Metal.
    • Unlike Qt's original example, this shared texture is drawn by MetalANGLE's GL commands.
  • To ensure correct order of rendering (on MetalANGLE side) and consuming (on Qt's Metal side), a shared semaphore also needs to be used. See GL_EXT_semaphore.


In-depth explanation

  • Create an MTLTexture.
  • Create an MTLSharedEvent.
  • Import MTLTexture to OpenGL as a GLuint texture object. Attach it to an FBO.
  • Import MTLSharedEvent to OpenGL as GLuint semaphore object.
  • Initialize an integer semaphoreCounter to zero.
  • Rendering loop:
    // Wait for Qt's Metal side to finish using the texture
    glSemaphoreParameterui64vEXT(..., GL_TIMELINE_SEMAPHORE_VALUE_MGL, &semaphoreCounter);
    // Draw to texture
    // Notify Qt's Metal side that the texture is safe to be used now
    glSemaphoreParameterui64vEXT(..., GL_TIMELINE_SEMAPHORE_VALUE_MGL, &semaphoreCounter);
    // On Qt's Metal side, wait for the semaphore's signal
    QSGRendererInterface *rif = m_window->rendererInterface();
    id<MTLCommandBuffer> cb = (id<MTLCommandBuffer>) rif->getResource(m_window, QSGRendererInterface::CommandListResource);
    [cb encodeWaitForEvent:... value:semaphoreCounter];
    // Display the texture on the screen (mostly done internally by QML scene graph)
    // Notify MetalANGLE side that the texture is safe to be rendered into now
    [cb encodeSignalEvent:... value:semaphoreCounter];