
⚡️ WebUSB Stepper Motor Demo

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Debug and Test Stepper Motors for WebUSB-enabled devices

Stepper Motor example is based on https://github.com/kalaschnik/stepper-motor-debugging

💡 As of fall 2022, WebUSB is still Chromium-only thing: https://caniuse.com/webusb — But it also works an Chrome for Android on your phone/tablet!

💡 To make Arduino IDE WebUSB-ready, follow the instructions here: https://github.com/webusb/arduino


Stepper Motor Demo

  1. Upload webusb-stepper-motor.ino to your WebUSB-enabled device
  2. Go to https://ccp-odc.eva.mpg.de/webusb/
  3. Click Connect and select your device
  4. Follow the UI

LED Demo

  1. Upload led-demo.ino to your WebUSB-enabled device
  2. Go to https://ccp-odc.eva.mpg.de/webusb/
  3. Click Connect and select your device
  4. Follow the UI



Getting Device IDs

Use either lsusb (Linux) system_profiler SPUSBDataType (macOS). Or System Information App on macOS:

💡 Note that this also includes non-WebUSB devices! For compatibilty check Resources section.

getDevices() — WebUSB API

navigator.usb.getDevices().then((devices) => {
	console.log(`Total devices: ${devices.length}`);
	devices.forEach((device) => {
			`Product name: ${device.productName}, serial number ${device.serialNumber}`
  • getDevices() method of the USB interface returns a Promise that resolves with an array of USBDevice objects for paired attached devices. Device ids are provided as integers
  • System Information App shows device ids as hex codes

Request a device via ID

The requestDevice(filters) method of the USB interface returns a Promise that resolves with an instance of USBDevice if the specified device is found. Calling this function triggers the user agent's pairing flow.

You need to provide a filter array of objects [{}]. You can query the following properties: vendorId, productId, classCode, subclassCode, protocolCode, serialNumber

requestDevice() — WebUSB API

Request a device with a specific vendorID

	.requestDevice({ filters: [{ vendorId: 9025 }] })
	.then((device) => {

Get a list of all connected Devices (empty array of objects)

navigator.usb.requestDevice({ filters: [{}] }).then((device) => {


  • Device IDs can be provided in hex (0x2341) or as integer (i.e., 9025)
