
A curated list of projects, tools, and resources for Storj

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A curated list of projects, tools, and resources for the Storj platform.

Client Libraries

Clients prepare files for uploading using encryption and erasure encoding and upload and download files to the Storj network directly to farmers (running Storjshare) and store meta data on the Storj Bridge.

  • libstorj - Asynchronous multi-platform C library and CLI for encrypted file transfer on the Storj network.
  • node-libstorj - Bindings to libstorj for Node.js (work-in-progress)
  • ruby-libstorj - Bindings to libstorj for Ruby (work-in-progress)
  • hello-storj Bindings to libstorj for Java and Android (example, work-in-progress)
  • SwiftyStorj - Bindings to libstorj for iOS (example, work-in-progress)
  • StorjDotNet - Bindings to libstorj for .NET (work-in-progress)
  • Storj.js - Browser library for interacting with Storj (work-in-progress)
  • Storj Python Library - Python library for interacting with Storj (work-in-progress)
  • Storj-PHP - Implementation of the Storj protocol for PHP (work-in-progress)


Farmers store data on the Storj network in exchange for STORJ tokens based on contracts with any Storj Bridge.

  • Storj Share GUI - Earn money by sharing your extra hard drive space on the Storj network.
  • Storj Share Daemon - 👿 Daemon + CLI for farming data on the storj network.
  • Payout Formula | previous - Transparent formula that is used to calculate farmer payments.
  • Storj Wallet - Storj Wallet (unofficial) for Windows, Mac and Linux. Send and Receive Storj ERC20 Token and Ethereum.
  • KFS - Kademlia inspired local file store based on LevelDB.
  • Storj Collectd Plugin - Monitor your Storj.io nodes along with some Grafana/influxdb like solution.
  • ssdynamite - Community made tool for analyzing Storj Share logs for connectivity issues
  • StorjStat - Community made tool for monitoring your Storj farming node(s), the tool gives you both real-time and historical analysis.
  • Storjshare Status Checker - Community made tool for sending storjshare stats to IFTTT.
  • storjshare-config-gen - Easily generate configuration files for storjshare.
  • storj-location-parser - Find the location of nodes that talk to your node.


Bridges store meta data of files and hold contracts with Storj farmers. A Bridge monitors the state of the metadata and will mirror, replicate and repair files when it's necessary.

  • Storj Bridge - Access the Storj network via simple REST API.
  • Storj Complex - Manage many renter nodes with the same identity with remote control capabilities.
  • Storj Billing - Creates debits and credits for Storj Bridge users.
  • Storj Models - Database models for Storj Bridge
  • Storj Bridge GUI - Web application for managing your Storj Bridge account.


Description and implementation for the Storj protocol that all nodes and participants in the Storj network use to communicate.

Client Applications & Tools

Tutorials & Examples



  • Community Chat - Open community chat. Our most active discussion area.
  • Community Page - Links to newsletter, chat, social media, and events.

Contribute to Storj

  • Storj on Github - All Storj repositories in one place.
  • Give Feedback - Suggest new product ideas or upvoting existing ones.
  • Write Guides - Get paid to write guides and tutorials about our platform.
  • Submit Code - Submit pull requests on our public repositories on GitHub.


  • Chat Support - Recommend using our community chat for realtime support in many languages.
  • Issue Support - If you any troubles or questions, please contact Storj support.