This is an AI project which involves deep learning, computer vision and rule-based inference engine. The objective is to create an AI which can understand the hand-drawn forms and creates full-fledged application with front-end and back-end.
- python 3.8+
google vision api
Copy google cloud key to project root with name gcp-auth.json$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ cd src && uvicorn app:app
- Access app frontend on local port 8000
- Simple shape detection tutorial
- Finding contours
- Hu Moments shape matching
- Zernike Moments shape matching
- Detect Lines with Hough Line Transform
- You Only Look Once: Unified, Real-Time Object Detection
- Yolov5 by Ultralytics
- Train Yolov5 Model
- Dataset
- Lyndon Renaud, Ian Straatman and Hong Qian Zhao have sucessfully completed the first part of the project.
- Ben Sutherland, AJ Jraige and Jonathan Doyle have completed the second part of the project.