SComatic is a tool that provides functionalities to detect somatic single-nucleotide mutations in high-throughput single-cell genomics and transcriptomics data sets, such as single-cell RNA-seq and single-cell ATAC-seq.
If you use SComatic (see License at the bottom of this page), please cite our publication Muyas et al. 2023.
For further details on SComatic, its assumptions, limitations and applications, please see Muyas et al. 2023.
Created with
SComatic requires Python version >=3.7.0, R version >=3.6.0, samtools, bedtools and datamash (>=v1.1.0, only for building your own panel of normals).
- We strongly recommend to build your own conda environment as follows:
conda create -n SComatic -c bioconda python=3.7 r-base=3.6.1 samtools datamash bedtools
conda activate SComatic
- Additional dependencies can be installed by running the following commands:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Rscript r_requirements_install.R
- Unpack PoN (Panel of Normals) files:
gunzip PoNs/PoN.scRNAseq.hg38.tsv.gz
gunzip PoNs/PoN.scATACseq.hg38.tsv.gz
- Unpack RNA editing file:
gunzip RNAediting/AllEditingSites.hg38.txt.gz
If you use the RNA editing database above, please cite the following articles: Tan et al. 2017, Kiran et al. 2012 and Picardi et al. 2017.
We show below how to run SComatic for the detection of somatic mutations in scRNA-seq data. SComatic requires two data types as input:
- Aligned sequencing reads in BAM format for all cell types analysed. The input BAM file must contain the cell type barcode information in the cell barcode tag “CB” (as reported by popular tools, such as Cell Ranger, 10x Genomics), and ideally, the "nM" tag (number of mismatches) and the "NH" tag (number of hits).
- A file listing precomputed cell type annotations where each row reports the cell barcode and cell type for each cell analysed. Importanly, do not include doublets in this file.
SComatic consists of the following 4 steps, each of which is run using a different Python script as indicated below.
The first step consists of splitting the BAM file containing aligned sequencing reads for all cell types in a sample into cell-type-specific BAM files using precomputed cell type annotations. The BAM file must contain the cell type barcode information in the cell barcode tag “CB” (as reported by popular tools, such as Cell Ranger, 10x Genomics). In addition, we strongly suggest generating the input bam files to contain the "nM" tag (number of mismatches) and the "NH" tag (number of hits), which will be used to remove low-quality reads for downstream analysis (--max_nM and --max_NH parameters. However, we included the possibility of running SComatic without these last two tags (nM and NH), at the user's own risk.
Step 1 is executed using the script SplitBam/, which has the following parameters:
- List of parameters:
python scripts/SplitBam/ --help
usage: [-h] --bam BAM --meta META [--id ID]
[--max_nM MAX_NM] [--max_NH MAX_NH]
[--min_MQ MIN_MQ] [--n_trim N_TRIM]
[--outdir OUTDIR]
Split alignment file into cell type specific BAMs
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--bam BAM BAM file to be analysed (Sorted by coordinate)
--meta META Metadata file mapping cell barcodes to cell type
--id ID Sample ID
--max_nM MAX_NM Maximum number of mismatches permitted to consider reads
for analysis. By default, this filter is switched off,
although we recommed using --max_nM 5. If applied, this
filter requires having the nM tag in the bam file.
[Default: Switched off]
--max_NH MAX_NH Maximum number of alignment hits permitted to consider
reads for analysis. By default, this filter is switched
off, although we recommend using --max_NH 1. This filter
requires having the NH tag in the bam file. [Default:
Switched off]
--min_MQ MIN_MQ Minimum mapping quality required to consider reads for
analysis. Set this value to 0 to switch this filter off.
--min_MQ 255 is recommended for RNA data, and --min_MQ 30
for DNA data. [Default: 255]
--n_trim N_TRIM Number of bases trimmed by setting the base quality to 0 at
the beginning and end of each read [Default: 0]
--outdir OUTDIR Out directory
The precomputed cell type annotation file provided with the --meta parameter must contain at least the following two columns (Index for cell barcode ID and Cell_type for the precomputed cell type annotation) and must be a tab-separated file. Cell type annotations containing whitespaces or any of the following special characters (~ . ` ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) { | } / \ : ; " ' < > ? , = +) are not supported. Dashes and underscores are supported. Whitespace characters in the filenames are not supported. Importanly, do not include doublets in this file or cell types with unkown cell type annotations.
Index Cell_type
In addition to the cell-type specific bam files, this script creates a txt (*.report.txt) file showing the number of reads filter, and importantly, why there were filtered out.
- Example: check here to see how to run this step with an example sample.
Base count information for each cell type and for every position if the genome is recorded in a base count matrix indexed by cell types and genomic coordinates.
The command line to run this step is:
- List of parameters:
python scripts/BaseCellCounter/ --help
usage: [-h] --bam BAM --ref REF --chrom CHROM
[--out_folder OUT_FOLDER] [--id ID]
[--nprocs NPROCS] [--bin BIN] [--bed BED]
[--bed_out BED_OUT] [--min_ac MIN_AC]
[--min_af MIN_AF] [--min_dp MIN_DP]
[--min_cc MIN_CC] [--min_bq MIN_BQ]
[--min_mq MIN_MQ] [--tmp_dir TMP_DIR]
Script to obtain a list of base and cell counts in scRNA bam file
optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
--bam BAM Tumor bam file to be analysed
--ref REF Reference genome. *fai must be available in the same
folder as reference
--chrom CHROM Chromosome to be analysed. Use --chrom all to analyse
all chromosomes
--out_folder OUT_FOLDER
Output folder
--id ID Prefix of out file. If provided, please use the following
format: *.[cell_type] . Example: sample1.t_cell. If
not provided, it is taken from the bam file
--nprocs NPROCS Number of processes [Default = 1]
--bin BIN Bin size for running the analysis [Default 50000]
--bed BED Regions to focus the analysis on. Three-column bed file
--bed_out BED_OUT Regions to ignore. Three-column bed
--min_ac MIN_AC Minimum alternative count to consider a genomic
site for further analysis. Default = 0
--min_af MIN_AF Minimum alternative allele fraction to consider a
genomic site for further analysis. Default = 0
--min_dp MIN_DP Minimum coverage to consider a genomic site for further analysis. Default
= 5
--min_cc MIN_CC Minimum number of cells required to consider a genomic
site for further analysis. Default = 5
--min_bq MIN_BQ Minimum base quality permited for the base counts.
Default = 20
--min_mq MIN_MQ Minimum mapping quality required to analyse read.
Default = 255
--tmp_dir TMP_DIR Temporary folder for tmp files
- Example: check here to see how to run this step with an example sample.
In Step 3, SComatic takes as input base count matrices computed in Step 2 for all cell types analysed to merge them into a single base count matrix, which is stored in tsv format. Individual base count matrices to be merged need to be stored in the same directory.
- List of parameters:
python scripts/MergeCounts/ --help
usage: [-h] --tsv_folder TSV_FOLDER --outfile
Script to merge the cell/base counts tsv files per cell type in only one file
optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
--tsv_folder TSV_FOLDER
Folder with cell/base count files (tsv) per cell type.
Avoid not desired tsv files in this folder
--outfile OUTFILE Out file name
- Example: check here to see how to run this step with an example sample.
The last step consists of running two scripts to call somatic mutations.
SComatic applies a set of hard filters and Beta binomial tests to discount sites affected by recurrent technical artefacts as somatic mutations.
- List of parameters:
python scripts/BaseCellCalling/ --help
usage: [-h] --infile INFILE --outfile
OUTFILE --ref REF [--min_cov MIN_COV]
[--min_cells MIN_CELLS]
[--min_ac_cells MIN_AC_CELLS]
[--min_ac_reads MIN_AC_READS]
[--max_cell_types MAX_CELL_TYPES]
[--min_cell_types MIN_CELL_TYPES]
[--fisher_cutoff FISHER_CUTOFF]
[--alpha1 ALPHA1] [--beta1 BETA1]
[--alpha2 ALPHA2] [--beta2 BETA2]
Script to perform the scRNA somatic variant calling
optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
--infile INFILE Input file with all samples merged in a single tsv
--outfile OUTFILE Output file prefix
--ref REF Reference fasta file (*fai must exist)
--min_cov MIN_COV Minimum depth of coverage to consider a sample.
[Default: 5]
--min_cells MIN_CELLS
Minimum number of cells with sequencing depth at a site to consider a
genomic site for further analysis. [Default: 5]
--min_ac_cells MIN_AC_CELLS
Minimum number of cells supporting the alternative
allele to call a mutation. [Default: 2]
--min_ac_reads MIN_AC_READS
Minimum number of reads supporting the alternative
allele to call a mutation. [Default: 3]
--max_cell_types MAX_CELL_TYPES
Maximum number of cell types carrying a mutation to
make a somatic call. [Default: 1]
--min_cell_types MIN_CELL_TYPES
Minimum number of cell types with enough coverage across enough
cells to consider a site as callable [Default: 2]
--fisher_cutoff FISHER_CUTOFF
P value cutoff for the Fisher's exact test performed to
detect strand bias. A float value is expected, if applied,
we recommend 0.001. By default, this test is switched
off with a value of 1 [Default: 1]
--alpha1 ALPHA1 Alpha parameter for Beta distribution of read counts.
[Default: 0.260288007167716]
--beta1 BETA1 Beta parameter for Beta distribution of read counts.
[Default: 173.94711910763732]
--alpha2 ALPHA2 Alpha parameter for Beta distribution of cell counts.
[Default: 0.08354121346569514]
--beta2 BETA2 Beta parameter for Beta distribution of cell counts.
[Default: 103.47683488327257]
To estimate new Beta binomial parameters whenever required by the user, SComatic provides the following scripts.
- Example: check here to see how to run this step with an example sample.
Scomatic takes the output of the previous step (4.1) and applies additional filters based on external datasets (RNA editing and Panel of Normals), and flags clustered mutations. High quality mutations are marked with the label “PASS” in the FILTER column of the output file. When using the provided RNA editing file, please cite the following articles: Tan et al. 2017, Kiran et al. 2012 and Picardi et al. 2017.
- List of parameters:
python scripts/BaseCellCalling/ --help
usage: [-h] --infile INFILE --outfile
[--pon PON]
[--min_distance MIN_DISTANCE]
Script to perform the scRNA somatic variant calling
optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
--infile INFILE Input file with all samples merged in a single tsv
--outfile OUTFILE Output file prefix
--editing EDITING RNA editing file to be used to remove RNA-diting sites
--pon PON Panel of normals (PoN) file to be used to remove
germline polymorphisms and recurrent artefacts
--min_distance MIN_DISTANCE
Minimum distance allowed between potential somatic
variants [Default: 5]
The --pon parameter permits to work with different types of formats/files depending on the availability and quantity of non-neoplastic samples. These are the main options:
- Using the PoNs provided in this repository, which were computed using the data described in the main manuscript of SComatic.
- Using your custom PoNs, which can be built using SComatic modules.
- TSV file listing the mutations detected by running SComatic (output of Detection of somatic mutations: Step 4.2) on scRNA-seq data from e.g., matched non-neoplastic cells.
- Custom PoN in VCF format (unzipped) generated by running a variant caller, such as GATK-HaplotypeCaller, on DNA sequencing (WES or WGS) data, such as a matched normal sample or a set of unmatched germline samples.
- Using a PoN in VCF format (unzipped) generated by other tools like GATK
- Example: check here to see how to run this step with an example sample.
SComatic models the background error rate of the technology used to generate the single-cell data (e.g., single-cell RNA-seq) using a Beta binomial distribution. Specifically, non-reference allele counts at homozygous reference sites are modelled using a binomial distribution with parameter P (error rate), which is a random variable that follows a Beta distribution with parameters α and β. Default values for the Beta binomial tests used in Step 4.1 are computed using the data sets described in the manuscript. However, we provide scripts to allow the user to reparameterize the Beta binomial using other data sets.
In Step 4.2, SComatic uses a Panel of Normals (PoN) to detect systematic errors and germline contamination in the somatic mutation callset. The PoN provided in this repository is computed using the data described in the manuscript (Hg38 reference genome). However, SComatic provides a script to build a custom PoN using other data sets if required.
SComatic provides the following additional functionalities, which are described in detail here.
- Computing the number of callable sites per cell type
- Computing the number of callable sites per cell
- Computing the genotype for each cell at the variant sites
This section answers some of the users' most recurrent doubts when running SComatic.
- Are the SComatic parameters for scATAC-seq data the same as for scRNA-seq data?
- How can we perform the variant annotation with the SComatic output?
- Can SComatic work with other types of PoN files?
- Can we use the calls from other callers to genotype unique cells using SComatic?
- How do different cell type labels (e.g. different levels of granularity) affect the SComatic performance?
- What does it happen if CellRanger does not properly trim all non-genomic sequences (adapters) from the reads?
If you have any comments or suggestions about SComatic please raise an issue or contact us:
Francesc Muyas:
Isidro Cortes-Ciriano:
SComatic is free for academic use only. If you are not a member of a public funded academic and/or education and/or research institution you must obtain a commercial license from EMBL Enterprise Management GmbH (EMBLEM); please email EMBLEM (