Implementation of centralized training, centralized execution of Soft Actor-Critic (SAC) on a Tennis multiagent Unity environment.
- A834309哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)
- amirmmiUniversity of Alberta
- chenchangjin-ccj
- dongba1
- emm148
- EriccsrRA at Stanford CS The Movement Lab @nimblephysics , HKU Robotics Lab
- itsclintLagos Nigeria
- kantologist@CarnegieMellonUniversity
- ldfrancisAISaturdaysLagos
- lion-liucheng
- mggmauricioQiron Robotics
- mrmarten@soprasteria
- ngthanhtinN.G.U
- sheldon123z西安
- ShelyH
- shotaromiwa
- sputnik524ETH Zurich
- takumi-web
- tejuafonjaCISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security
- vousmevoyessHangzhou,Zhejiang
- wuan03
- yangtianchangxiaoHK
- yumipaiWuhan University
- zhuanghb3