
An application that helps users search GitHub by username or topic for projects and open issues

Primary LanguageCSS

Module 6 Project: Git-it-Done


This week, while learning about Server-Side APIs, we developed an application that helps users search GitHub by username or topic, and displays matching projects along with the number of open issues.

Overview of Concepts Learned

  • The difference between a client-side API and a server-side API
  • Understanding the client-server model and request-response pattern
  • How to explain and implement the differences between HTTP GET requests using XMLHTTPRequest, jQuery AJAX, and the fetch API
  • HTTP response codes and handling response metadata with fetch API
  • How to parse JSON to dynamically generate HTML
  • The benefits and challenges of working with asynchronous JavaScript
  • How to implement query string parameters

Project Screenshot



Kara Krzystan on GitHub