
Code for “Signal Temporal Logic meets Hamilton-Jacobi Reachability: Connections and Applications” by Mo Chen, Qizhan Tam, Scott C. Livingston, and Marco Pavone.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Code for “Signal Temporal Logic meets Hamilton-Jacobi Reachability: Connections and Applications” by Mo Chen, Qizhan Tam, Scott C. Livingston, and Marco Pavone:


  1. HJ Reachability Computations (C++, CUDA):

    • The computation uses the beacls toolbox, which can be found here: https://github.com/HJReachability/beacls/tree/master/sources.
    • In the Makefiles, make sure that the installation directories of the dependencies are correct (e.g. NVCC, INSTALL_DIR, etc.).
    • Currently, the STL functions are not compatible with the CUDA option.
  2. Numerical Simulations (Matlab):

  3. Hardware Experiments (ROS Kinetic, Python, Matlab):

  4. MPC Controller (IPOPT, Casadi-Python, Yalmip-Matlab):


  1. Turtlebot_Car4D_Car1D_Intersection:

    • Traffic light intersection example as described in the paper linked above.
    • Contains files for reachability computation, numerical simulations, and implementation on Turtlebots.
  2. Turtlebot_Car4D_Car1D_Overtake:

    • Highway overtaking example as described in the paper linked above.
    • Contains files for reachability computation, numerical simulations, and implementation on Turtlebots.
  3. STL Functions:

    • Contains files for temporal operators (i.e. always, eventually, until).
  4. Test Sample:

    • A quick computation to test whether the installation was successful.
  5. MPC Controller:

    • Contains Yalmip-Matlab implementation for numerical simulations, Casadi-Python implementation for (ROS) hardware experiments.
  6. Old Files:

    • Contains work done leading up to the Traffic light intersection and Highway overtaking examples.
    • Varied approach to the problems posed by the examples.