- 3
Group Search Improvements
#2681 opened by heytheretyo - 2
Self host external assets where possible
#2674 opened by nicksellen - 4
- 3
Withdrew statistic column calculates incorrectly
#2687 opened by nicksellen - 2
Unable to create activity
#2697 opened by decentral1se - 1
Improve experience of adding Places
#2702 opened - 3
Copy recommendation on Create New Group page
#2706 opened by sbutler-gh - 3
- 0
Don't pull in lodash
#2707 opened by nicksellen - 7
Accepting applications is slow
#2666 opened by nicksellen - 3
Use group name in email subject prefix
#2626 opened by nicksellen - 3
Unable to set monthly recurring activity
#2696 opened by decentral1se - 4
- 4
Places that don't want to cooperate anymore are missing on statistics page
#2671 opened by dwaxweiler - 1
- 1
- 1
- 6
- 3
- 2
- 2
Backend performance improvements
#2667 opened by nicksellen - 1
Upgrade psycopg
#2673 opened by nicksellen - 1
Dropping websocket messages?
#2672 opened by nicksellen - 2
- 1 is loading dev announcements feed
#2650 opened by nicksellen - 1
Improve UX for long place descriptions
#2632 opened by nicksellen - 1
Support link previews
#2617 opened by nicksellen - 1
Add history type filter to history page
#2635 opened by dwaxweiler - 4
Fix transifex error on updating locales
#2638 opened by nicksellen - 1
sometimes conversations don't refresh
#2613 opened by nicksellen - 1
duplicate display of activities
#2611 opened by nicksellen - 5
scrolling back to the top while typing
#2609 opened by brnsolikyl - 1
Post nlnet release planning
#2604 opened by nicksellen - 0
Archived favourite places are displayed in sidebar
#2628 opened by nicksellen - 0
Missing users name in membership review text
#2625 opened by nicksellen - 0
signup page doesn't show username validation errors
#2614 opened by nicksellen - 0
public activity share link improvement
#2618 opened by nicksellen - 0
Click on upcoming favorite activities banner leads to page with a missing filter
#2620 opened by dwaxweiler - 0
Public activities looking weird on group preview page
#2602 opened by brnsolikyl - 0
mobile place header a bit wonky
#2610 opened by nicksellen - 0
dismiss feedback button doesn't do anything
#2612 opened by nicksellen - 3
- 2
Place display shows 0 messages when there are some
#2594 opened by nicksellen - 3
[Feature Request] Past Activities
#2595 opened by mwelsch - 0
Group image no longer shown in group menu
#2588 opened by nicksellen - 0
New Agreement breadcrumb item not translated
#2597 opened by nicksellen - 0
User profile action buttons on top of everything
#2598 opened by nicksellen - 0
- 2
- 1
Add public activities
#2583 opened by nicksellen