
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Cloning the package

  • create an empty workspace in a local directory
$ mkdir -p ~/sensor_fusion_ws/src 
$ cd sensor_fusion_ws
$ catkin_make
$ cd src
$ git clone https://github.com/karry3775/SensorFusion.git

Using the package

  • Connect your phone and computer to the same network (Hotspot can be used)
  • Enter ip address:5000 to the URL field in PhonePi app
  • ip addess could be find using ifconfig command on linux and ipconfig on windows.
  • run the following commands
$ roscore
$ rosrun sensor_fusion_pkg sensor_streamer.py
  • if the above command gives error then move to the location of this file
$ cd SensorFusion/src/
$ chmod +x sensor_streamer.py
  • The above line will make this file executable
  • Activate the sensor readings you want on the PhonePi App
  • Current implementation only supports Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Magnetometer and Orientation data
  • You will see data printed on the terminal from which the following command was run
$ rosrun sensor_fusion_pkg sensor_streamer.py
  • Open another terminal and type
rostopic echo \<topic_name>
  • This will stream data for the specific topic you want


  • Gyro_topic - Publishes angular rate information from Gyro (TimeStamp, roll rate, pitch rate, yaw rate) (BODY FRAME)
  • Accel_topic - Publishes linear acceleration information from Accelerometer (TimeStamp, ax , ay, az) (BODY FRAME)
  • Magneto_topic - Publishes magnetic field information from Magnetometer (TimeStamp, mx , my, mz) (BODY FRAME)
  • Orientation_topic - Publishes some fused orientation provided by the PhonePi App (TimeStamp, roll, pitch, yaw) (GLOBAL FRAME)

Pushing and pulling from the Repo

  • Move to your local directory
$ git status
  • Above command will let you know the status of the repo and your local directory
$ git pull origin master
  • Above command will make sure that your local directory will update with changes that others might have made
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Descriptory message explaining the nature of the commit"
$ git push origin master
  • Above command will update the github repository with the changes you made in the local directory in your computer
  • Follow these steps sequentially to prevent improper syncing!