
Deep-learning based classification pipeline for subtyping lung tumors from histology. Study design and codebase to analyze the impact of nucleus segmentation on subtyping.

Primary LanguagePython

Lung Tumor Subtyping and Nucleus Segmentation

  • Deep-learning based classification pipeline for subtyping lung tumors from histology.
  • Assessing the impact of nucleus segmentation on tumor discernibility.

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  title={A deep learning approach for nucleus segmentation and tumor classification from lung histopathological images},
  author={Jaisakthi, SM and Desingu, Karthik and Mirunalini, P and Pavya, S and Priyadharshini, N},
  journal={Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics},

Study Overview

The study method is summarized as a brief algorithm below.

Study Dataset and Data Processing

The histopathology image dataset is sourced from LC25000 Dataset.

  • 768 x 768 resolution images of lung histology.
  • Contains patch-level labels of tumor type.
  • HIPAA compliant and validated source.
  • Detailed data description.

Semi-automated nuclear region annotation

  1. Automated nuclear region annotation were obtained using a stain-based color thresholding approach, detailed in the algorithm below.
  2. The obtained annotations were corrected and validated by expert pathologists.
  3. Multiple pathologist corrections were compared and averaged. The inter-rater agreement was assessed using generalized conformity index (GCI); a GCI of 0.89 was obtained.

Common Downstream Tumor Classification

  • The classifier is a custom lightweight Convolution Neural Network that performs downstream tumor subtyping.

  • The common downstream serves the role of a discriminator reference to compare subtyping performances with and without prior nucleus segmentation of histology images.

Intermediate Nucleus Segmentation in the Pseg Pipeline

  • Rationale: The nuclei portray sufficiently distinct visual characteristics under each tumor type to discern them apart.
  • Nuclear regions of the lung histology images are segmented out before classification.
  • A segmentation architecture derived from the Xception-style UNet is trained and fine-tuned to automate this nucleus segmentation.