kashish0604's Stars
N-BEATS is a neural-network based model for univariate timeseries forecasting. N-BEATS is a ServiceNow Research project that was started at Element AI.
Major Project - Sign Language To Text Conversion Using Python, Computer Vision and Machine Learning
Final Year Major Project
This is a python application which converts american sign language into text and speech which helps Dumb/Deaf people to start conversation with normal people who dont understand this language
Final Year CS projects
PDF summarizer that leverages GPT AI to generate summaries from uploaded PDF files. The application uses FastAPI for the backend and Streamlit for the frontend. The project was created with the assistance of AI language models.
TruthFinder finds true facts from a large amount of conflicting information
Python project that tracks hand position in real-time and draws on screen using the index finger.
AI hand gester mouse project is a AI based project in which you can assess the mouse with gestures without physically touching the mouse. This project detects the hand and counts the fingers with the first finger up and all fingers down you can move the mouse and with first finger and middle finger you can click. The project is made using python language.
Python project to recognise printed pages, handwritten notes and signatures using AI. Comes all together to build a writer identification system.
B. Tech CSE Final year Project
Separating music and voice using pytorch api. Project for the Leadingindia.ai summer internship 2020
Semantic similarity extraction using word vectors in Mahabharata dataset
Project targeted to remove signature from the text content. This enhances accuracy of the AI algorithms.
CALM (Contrastive Alignment of Language and Music) aligns songs with their natural language description using CLIP (Project for the 1st Sound of AI Hackathon).
Predictd: Predicting Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Using Social Media Mining
ChatBot Trained using Seq2Seq Model on Mahabharatha Subtitles
It is a web application for checking the eligibility of the resume against the company requirements and helps users to improve their resume so that they can land in their dream companies. Users need to upload their resume and select the company(s) for which they want to check the eligibility. The eligibility percentage(s) will be displayed as bar graph. At last messages will be to help users to improve their resume.
Package for analysing and fitting neutron reflectivity curves with ML. Research project for ISIS (not that one) Neutron and Muon Source