
Dapr Kafka CSharp example

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Producer and Consumer examples using Dapr Pubsub


  1. Install Docker
  2. Install Dapr CLI
  3. Install .Net Core SDK 8.0
dotnet --list-sdks
dotnet --list-runtimes

sudo apt-get install -y dotnet-sdk-8.0
sudo apt-get install -y dotnet-host 
sudo apt-get install -y aspnetcore-runtime-8.0
sudo apt-get install -y dotnet-runtime-8.0
dotnet sdk check
dotnet --list-sdks
dotnet --list-runtimes

sudo apt remove dotnet-sdk* dotnet-host* dotnet* aspnetcore* netstandard*
sudo apt remove aspnetcore*
sudo apt remove netstandard*
sudo apt remove dotnet-host*
sudo apt purge dotnet-sdk* dotnet-host* dotnet* aspnetcore* netstandard*
sudo rm -f /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mssql-release.list
sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/microsoft-prod.list
sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/microsoft-prod.list.save
sudo apt update
sudo apt-get install -y dotnet-sdk-8.0
sudo apt-get install -y dotnet-host 
sudo apt-get install -y aspnetcore-runtime-8.0
sudo apt-get install -y dotnet-runtime-8.0
dotnet workload update
source ~/.bashrc
dotnet sdk check

# Register the Ubuntu .NET backports package repository to support 7.0, 6.0 on Ubuntu 24.04
# sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:dotnet/backports
# sudo apt-get install -y dotnet-sdk-7.0
# sudo apt-get install -y aspnetcore-runtime-7.0
# sudo apt-get install -y dotnet-runtime-7.0
  1. Clone the sample repo
git clone https://github.com/andriykalashnykov/dapr-kafka-csharp.git

Running locally

Install Dapr in standalone mode

  1. Install Dapr in standalone mode
$ dapr init

Run Kafka Docker Container Locally

In order to run the Kafka bindings sample locally, you will run the Kafka broker server in a docker container on your machine. Make sure docker is running in Linux mode.

  1. Run docker-compose -f ./docker-compose-kafka.yaml up -d to run the container locally
  2. Run docker ps to see the container running locally:
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                           COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                                NAMES
aaa142160487        wurstmeister/zookeeper:latest   "/bin/sh -c '/usr/sb…"   2 minutes ago       Up 2 minutes        22/tcp, 2888/tcp, 3888/tcp,>2181/tcp   dapr-kafka-csharp_zookeeper_1
0e3908026eda        wurstmeister/kafka:latest       "start-kafka.sh"         2 minutes ago       Up 2 minutes>9092/tcp                               dapr-kafka-csharp_kafka_1
c0c3ca47c0ad        daprio/dapr                     "./placement"            3 days ago          Up 32 hours>50005/tcp                             dapr_placement
c8eec02b4e5d        redis                           "docker-entrypoint.s…"   3 days ago          Up 32 hours>6379/tcp                               dapr_redis

Run Consumer app

cd consumer
dapr run --app-id consumer --app-port 6000 -- dotnet run

Run Producer app

cd producer
dapr run --app-id producer --resources-path ./deploy -- dotnet run

Uninstall Kafka

docker-compose -f ./docker-compose-kafka.yaml down

Run in Kubernetes cluster

Install Dapr on Kubernetes

dapr init -k

⌛  Making the jump to hyperspace...
ℹ️  Note: this installation is recommended for testing purposes. For production environments, please use Helm 

✅  Deploying the Dapr control plane to your cluster...
✅  Success! Dapr has been installed. To verify, run 'kubectl get pods -w' or 'dapr status -k' in your terminal. To get started, go here: https://aka.ms/dapr-getting-started

kubectl get pods -w

NAME                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
dapr-operator-6bdc6f95c6-g67p2           1/1     Running   0          37s
dapr-placement-fb75fb85-k6m7d            1/1     Running   0          37s
dapr-sentry-6f796dd4cb-rh9qx             1/1     Running   0          37s
dapr-sidecar-injector-7bc488df76-jg6fw   1/1     Running   0          37s

Dapr Dashboard

dapr dashboard -k

For more detail, refer

to Dapr in Kubernetes environment

for more detail. For helm users, please refer to this.

Setting up a Kafka in Kubernetes

  1. Install Kafka
make k8s-kafka-deploy
Kafka can be accessed by consumers via port 9092 on the following DNS name from within your cluster:


Each Kafka broker can be accessed by producers via port 9092 on the following DNS name(s) from within your cluster:


The CLIENT listener for Kafka client connections from within your cluster have been configured with the following security settings:
    - SASL authentication

To connect a client to your Kafka, you need to create the 'client.properties' configuration files with the content below:

sasl.jaas.config=org.apache.kafka.common.security.scram.ScramLoginModule required \
    username="user1" \
    password="$(kubectl get secret dapr-kafka-user-passwords --namespace kafka -o jsonpath='{.data.client-passwords}' | base64 -d | cut -d , -f 1)";

To create a pod that you can use as a Kafka client run the following commands:

    kubectl run dapr-kafka-client --restart='Never' --image docker.io/bitnami/kafka:latest --namespace kafka --command -- sleep infinity
    kubectl cp --namespace kafka ./kafka/client.properties dapr-kafka-client:/tmp/client.properties
    kubectl exec --tty -i dapr-kafka-client --namespace kafka -- bash

        kafka-console-producer.sh \
            --producer.config /tmp/client.properties \
            --broker-list dapr-kafka-controller-0.dapr-kafka-controller-headless.kafka.svc.cluster.local:9092,dapr-kafka-controller-1.dapr-kafka-controller-headless.kafka.svc.cluster.local:9092,dapr-kafka-controller-2.dapr-kafka-controller-headless.kafka.svc.cluster.local:9092 \
            --topic sampletopic

        kafka-console-consumer.sh \
            --consumer.config /tmp/client.properties \
            --bootstrap-server dapr-kafka.kafka.svc.cluster.local:9092 \
            --topic sampletopic \
  1. Wait until kafka pods are running
kubectl get pods -n kafka -w
NAME                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
dapr-kafka-0             1/1     Running   0          2m7s
dapr-kafka-zookeeper-0   1/1     Running   0          2m57s
dapr-kafka-zookeeper-1   1/1     Running   0          2m13s
dapr-kafka-zookeeper-2   1/1     Running   0          109s
  1. Deploy the producer and consumer applications to Kubernetes
make image-build
make k8s-image-load
make k8s-workload-deploy

kubectl describe replicaset producer-xxx
kubectl describe replicaset consumer-xxx
  1. Check the logs from producer and consumer:
kubectl logs -f -l app=producer -c producer -n dapr-app
kubectl logs -f -l app=consumer -c consumer -n dapr-app

Build and push docker image to your docker registry

  1. Create your docker hub account or use your own docker registry

  2. Build Docker images.

docker build -t [docker_registry]/consumer:latest -f ./consumer/Dockerfile .
docker build -t [docker_registry]/producer:latest -f ./producer/Dockerfile .
  1. Push Docker images.
docker push [docker_registry]/consumer:latest
docker push [docker_registry]/producer:latest
  1. Update image names


  1. Stop the applications
make k8s-workload-undeploy
  1. Uninstall Kafka
make k8s-kafka-undeploy
  1. Uninstall Dapr
dapr uninstall -k


Practical Microservices with Dapr and .NET, published by Packt ACA DAPR Demo Apache Kafka with Dapr Bindings in .NET