
Sentry module for NuxtJS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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Sentry module for Nuxt.js


The module enables error logging through Sentry.

  • Please note that version 2.2.0 of this package removed the older public_key and private_key options, since the updated Sentry packages don't support these anymore.
  • Please note that version 2.0.0 of this package introduces a breaking change. See #30 for more information.


  • Add @nuxtjs/sentry dependency using yarn or npm to your project
  • Add @nuxtjs/sentry to modules section of nuxt.config.js
  modules: [

  sentry: {
    dsn: '', // Enter your project's DSN here
    config: {}, // Additional config

Nuxt compatibility

Versions of NuxtJS between v1.0.0 and v1.2.1 are not supported by this package.


Enter your DSN in the NuxtJS config file. Additional config settings can be found here.

Usage in Vue component

In a Vue component, Sentry is available as this.$sentry, so we can call functions like

this.$sentry.captureException(new Error('example'))

where this is a Vue instance.


Options can be passed using either environment variables or sentry section in nuxt.config.js. Normally setting required DSN information would be enough.


  • Type: String
    • Default: process.env.SENTRY_DSN
    • If no dsn is provided, Sentry will be initialised, but errors will not be logged. See #47 for more information about this.


  • Type: Boolean
    • Default: process.env.SENTRY_DISABLED || false
    • Sentry will not be initialised if set to true.


  • Type: Boolean
    • Default: process.env.SENTRY_DISABLE_CLIENT_SIDE || false


  • Type: Object
    • Default: {}

Submitting releases to Sentry

Recently, support for the sentry-webpack-plugin was introduced. This can be used to send releases to Sentry. Check out the feature/sourcemaps branch. After some more testing, this feature will be merged in to the master branch.


MIT License

Copyright (c) Diederik van den Burger diederik@glue.group