
This is my first project using GraphQL and I followed a tutorial to make this Hackernews clone. The server is built from scratch using Node.js, Apollo-Server and Prisma and the front-end is made with React and Apollo Client. Still some bugs to fix!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hacker News Clone

February 2021

This is my first project using GraphQL and I followed a tutorial to make this Hackernews clone. The server is built from scratch using Node.js, Apollo-Server and Prisma and the front-end is made with React and Apollo Client. Still some bugs to fix!

Sign in Page on Hacker News

Top Page on Hacker News

Main Learning Points:


  • I learnt the basics of how a GraphQL server works - I defined a GraphQL Schema for the server and wrote corresponding resolver functions
  • I added a SQLite database to the project and managed it with Prisma
  • I implemented login functionality which enabled users to authenticate against the API. This also allowed me to check the permissions of my users for certain API operations
  • I learnt how to allow the consumers of the API to constrain the list of items they retrieve from the API by adding filtering and pagination capabilities to it


  • I learnt how to display a list of links
  • I then searched the list of links using the useLazyQuery hook from Apollo Client
  • I handled user authentication using tokens
  • I allowed authenticated users to create new links and upvote links with the useMutation hook
  • I learnt about real-time updates with Subscriptions



  • JavaScript
  • Node.js
  • Apollo Server (a fully-featured GraphQL Server)
  • Prisma (replaces traditional ORMs. I used Prisma Client to access my database inside of GraphQL resolvers.)
  • GraphQL Playground (A “GraphQL IDE” that allows you to interactively explore the functionality of a GraphQL API by sending queries and mutations to it. It's similar to Postman which offers comparable functionality for REST APIs.)


  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Apollo Client (production ready, caching GraphQL client - it saves you from writing infrastructure code for networking and caching)

Still To Do:

  • There's currently a bug when clicking through the links on the new page. They don't always load properly. I need to look into caching as I'm currently getting an error which says:

Cache data may be lost when replacing the links field of a Feed object. To address this problem (which is not a bug in Apollo Client), define a custom merge function for the Feed.links field, so InMemoryCache can safely merge these objects