Pinned Repositories
A diary documenting my 100 Days of Code learning journey and continuing on after Day 100 until Week 12 of the School of Code bootcamp. A Learning Journal.
An analogue clock made using the date object, setInterval() and CSS.
A small vanilla JavaScript project in which I made a kind of piano (but not with the sounds of a piano!) and learnt how to add an event listener to the window.
A basic stop watch app where I was experimenting with using setTimeout() and clearTimeout() for the first time.
Connect Four! A two day School of Code hackathon in which we built this game, implementing our learning about OOP. I have since refactored this app to improve the UX, make it more robust and better implement SOLID principles.
A very basic Countdown Timer using setTimeout() and some animation implemented with keyframes
A Dad Joke Generator built with vanilla JavaScript which uses fetch() to get data from a jokes API.
A drawing app that I made using HTML5 <canvas> with adjustable pen size, style and color. Also comes with magical rainbow mode! Pictures can be downloaded upon completion.
This drumkit is the first tutorial in Wes Bos' JavaScript 30 Course and I really enjoyed making it! I learnt more about key events including listening for the transition end event.
This is my first project using GraphQL and I followed a tutorial to make this Hackernews clone. The server is built from scratch using Node.js, Apollo-Server and Prisma and the front-end is made with React and Apollo Client. Still some bugs to fix!
katiehawcutt's Repositories
Connect Four! A two day School of Code hackathon in which we built this game, implementing our learning about OOP. I have since refactored this app to improve the UX, make it more robust and better implement SOLID principles.
An analogue clock made using the date object, setInterval() and CSS.
A Dad Joke Generator built with vanilla JavaScript which uses fetch() to get data from a jokes API.
A drawing app that I made using HTML5 <canvas> with adjustable pen size, style and color. Also comes with magical rainbow mode! Pictures can be downloaded upon completion.
This drumkit is the first tutorial in Wes Bos' JavaScript 30 Course and I really enjoyed making it! I learnt more about key events including listening for the transition end event.
This is my first project using GraphQL and I followed a tutorial to make this Hackernews clone. The server is built from scratch using Node.js, Apollo-Server and Prisma and the front-end is made with React and Apollo Client. Still some bugs to fix!
Hangman built in Elixir and using LiveView
This is a repo created using Postman as part of my Postman Student Expert course.
A simple webpage about myself created using just HTML and CSS - no JavaScript allowed! It was my first School of Code assignment.
An Interval Timer app which was my first proper project. Built using vanilla JavaScript, I learnt a lot including the importance of refactoring and got more confident with CSS Flexbox.
A Kayne West Quote Generator built using vanilla JavaScript which uses fetch() to get data from an API
This is the first site I built with Next.js and it's deployed using Vercel. It's a simple blog website with a homepage and links to individual blog posts using dynamic routes.
Very basic first Go module
Learning some GoLang basics
A very basic Next.js app built using a tutorial. I learnt a lot about SSG, SSR & ISR and I created a dynamic route.
A simple game of Noughts & Crosses. This was the first School of Code Hackathon we completed using React and as such there was lots to learn!
School of Code Final Project. A Team Building Platform and bespoke game called Facts! built in response to a brief from SoC to improve remote team building.
School of Code Final Project. A Team Building Platform and bespoke game called Facts! built in response to a brief from SoC to improve remote team building.
This photo frame app allows you to change the border width, border color and blur of a photo. I learnt how to update CSS variables with JavaScript.
A Science & Nature Quiz App which is built using vanilla JavaScript and uses fetch() to get data from a quiz API. I spent quite a bit of time on styling using CSS.
We created our favourite pub using a React Animation Library and CSS! It's almost like being there...
Simple project in Go to play around with some CRUD operations using a PostgreSQL database and pgx
A Responsive Image Gallery made using a JavaScript30 tutorial. I used toggle() for the first time to change between class lists and had a good recap on CSS selectors and Flexbox.
An app built in order to control a robot (called ShoeBot as he's made out of an old shoe). The directions data is sent to the bot using fetch() and Shoe is powered by a Raspberry Pi.
Rock, Paper, Scissors! The first game I made and later refactored. Built with vanilla JavaScript.
School of Code Mentoring Platform. Commissioned by the School of Code to improve the mentoring experience, this was a one week Agile project in which we implemented a Kanban system using Trello to manage the backlog and prioritise tasks ensuring continuous alignment with our vision.
School of Code Mentoring Platform. Commissioned by the School of Code to improve the mentoring experience, this was a one week Agile project in which we implemented a Kanban system using Trello to manage the backlog and prioritise tasks ensuring continuous alignment with our vision.
A Team Game Scoreboard created for our first full-stack hackathon at the School of Code. Built using Express and a Postgres database with a REST API server managing requests and serving backend data.
My first To-Do List app built using vanilla JavaScript. I learnt how to save to local storage and practiced using array methods.
A Weather Data App app created in a one day hackathon at the School of Code. Built in response to a brief to create a web experience using data from an API. Refactored since.