
Rock, Paper, Scissors! The first game I made and later refactored. Built with vanilla JavaScript.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Rock, Paper, Scissors

Rock,Paper, Scissors

September 2020

I've just refactored this game so that all interactions are now through HTML elements using the DOM rather than with prompt(), alert() and confirm(). I also separated the CSS out into it's own file and refactored the styling to use Flexbox instead of grid.

April 2020

This was the first game I made and my first bigger project using JavaScript! I needed quite a bit of help at each step of the game creation but it was a super helpful learning curve and taught me how to go about planning and creating a game / app. I feel much more confident approaching new projects after this.

Main Learning Points:

  • I learnt about the importance of planning and pseudo code which really helped when I was thinking about all the possible game outcomes and scores. I learnt that it's important to spend time getting this right / clear at the beginning as then it's much easier to actually do the coding.
  • It made me think about the flow of a game and in which order things need to happen (which I had taken for granted when playing other games). It really helped me to start thinking about processes and functionality on a deeper level which, being new to coding and game creation, I'd not had to do much before.
  • I learnt about refactoring and why this was important. With some help I refactored my own code to make it cleaner and more efficient.
  • I had lots more practice interacting with the DOM - using window.prompt to ask for the users name, putting their name on the scoreboard, then updating the scoreboard after each turn, etc.
  • I used Math.random() and Math.floor() to generate a number between 1 and 3 which in turn determined whether the computer played rock, paper or scissors.
  • I got really confident using if and else statements in functions.
  • I had a go at using CSS grid to layout the page.

Built with:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

View and play it here:
