
Simple project in Go to play around with some CRUD operations using a PostgreSQL database and pgx

Primary LanguageGo

Record Store

November 2021

I started learning Go a few weeks ago and this is my first proper project using Go. I wanted to use it to get to grips with some basic CRUD operations using a PostgreSQL database and pgx (a Go toolkit for PostgreSQL). It runs in the terminal without any web interface or API's.

Main Learning Points:

  • how to structure a Go project
  • how pgx works / what it offers
  • tried out a validation library called ozzo
  • how to use os.Args to access raw command-line arguments
  • how to access env variables in the project
  • getting used to working with a strongly typed langauge
  • recapped on SQL (I didn't want to use an ORM)

I'm sure there are lots of improvements that could be made but it's a start!

Built with:

  • Go

Getting Started

  • Firstly you will need to create and connect to a PostgreSQL DB and add your env variables to the .env file

  • Make sure you are in the root of the project

  • Create the table - psql nameOfYourDb -f ./db/scripts/create_table.sql

  • Insert data to the table - psql nameOfYourDb -f ./db/scripts/insert_data.sql

  • Run the program - go run cmd/main.go (you should get a message saying Welcome to Katie's Record Store!)

  • Now you know everything is working you can run the program followed by the operation you want to perform and the input data (if neccessary)...

    • get all the albums - go run cmd/main.go getAlbums
    • get a specific album - go run cmd/main.go getAlbum 3 (gets the album with an id of 3)
    • add an album - go run cmd/main.go addAlbum 21 Adele 4 (creates an album with the title '21', artist 'Adele', rating '4')
    • update an album - go run cmd/main.go updateAlbum 11 21 Adele 5 (updates the album with an id of 11 to title '21', artist 'Adele', rating '5')
    • delete an album - go run cmd/main.go deleteAlbum 1 (deletes the album with the id of 1)
  • The validation I implemented means that:

    • the rating has to be between 1 and 5
    • the title and artist have to be at least 1 character