
A Responsive Image Gallery made using a JavaScript30 tutorial. I used toggle() for the first time to change between class lists and had a good recap on CSS selectors and Flexbox.

Primary LanguageHTML

Responsive Image Gallery

August 2020

JS Image Galery

This is another JavaScript 30 project and as usual I made it my own by changing some of the design including the images, text and font. I think the ideas I've learnt doing this would work really well on a website so I'm looking forward to putting them to use again!

Main Learning Points:

  • I used toggle for the first time to change between class lists.

  • I used eventListeners to listen for 'click' and 'transitionend'.

  • It was a good recap on CSS selectors and flex box.

Built with:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

Getting Started:

Clone the repo as instructed below


No prerequisites


  1. Clone the repo

git clone https://github.com/katiehawcutt/responsive-image-gallery.git

  1. Run the index.html in a browser


Click on a panel to see it expand and view a message