
Fairly simple railroad-oriented ASGI framework powered by monads and pipelines

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

🌙 moona


moona is an ASGI server framework that provides a set of guidelines on software development inspired by functional programming and monads. It's core design is hugely inspired by Finite State Machines and Railroad Architecture approach.

🤔 Motivation

Before we dive into examples and feature explanation I want to explain motivation behind the project. There are multiple statements I had in mind so let's check some of my thoughts.

There is always right way to write a function

One very important thing about function we have is it's interface which we often think not much of. I believe there are a few ideas you should follow writing functions:

  • Most important argument of the function is data that will be changed
  • Most important argument must be the last one
  • Best function is one that takes only one argument
  • Function the requires multiple arguments should be applied partially or be HOF

When I say "changed" I clearly understand that it's much easier to work with immutable data, however in Python nearly everything is mutable, but this "feature" is a good marker of most important argument.

This "requirements" I follow in moona are important for better usage of such functional tools like function composition and curring.

In this way all the functions must be just:

  • Single-argument functions
  • Higher-order functions that return single-argument functions

If we operate with single-argument functions we can apply them sequentially (compose). In case we need to provide more than one argument we should use HOF.

🔎 Example:

# ❌ this function is bad as we can't properly parametrize it for composition or
# pipeline usage.
encode = str.encode

# ✅ this function is good as it is HOF that accepts single `str` argument which
# is changed after we pass encoding key.
better_encode = lambda encoding: lambda s: return s.encode(encoding)

# also we can easier produce single-argument composition-ready functions
encode_utf_8 = better_encode("UTF-8")

⚠️ Do not use lambdas for such cases as it is harder to debug them and you provide no type hinting.

Computer should do only what programmer asked

Developers love using frameworks that get rid of underlying details of implementation and provide friendly interface for solving common problems. The only issue with this approach is that we rarely directly know what exactly is going on and when we face some bug or problem it's hard to find out whether it is actual bug or feature that we had no idea of.

IMHO ASGI specification is not something hard to grasp and understand and it is important to understand application lifecycle and events that happen during service execution.

In this way moona does nothing except what you said. If you forgot to set a header than this is your problem, if you forgot to send a body, this is your problem (well, moona does it for you actually, but that is required for persisting successful processing path).

Everything is monad

Monad is a monoid in the monoidal category of endofunctors equipped with functor composition as its product.

This is a joke (or not), but there are multiple good reasons why to use monads instead of some other common approaches of handling different cases in code.

Exception handling is a huge problem in many programming languages. Common approach is try-catch (or except) expressions, that wrap code that might raise error. But for it to work developer must inform you of Exceptions that might be raised and you should find and remember to handle them all or explain why you don't handle something (at least to future-self). Code becomes much more verbose and complex. In Python you even loose in performance (but if you care about performance you should consider another tool). Also try-except-finally by itself is shallow if-elif-else expression which also makes your code too complex.

Before we wen't too far let's sum up 2 problems of try-except approach:

  • No explicit explanation of possible raise Exceptions (only via docstrings)
  • Code becomes to complex if we handle Exceptions via try-except blocks

Some of you might say that in Java for example we explicitly provide information about raised Exceptions. Yes, but if it is good than why we have @SneakyThrows annotation? Because we are lazy and don't really like this try-catch blocks.

Another good example of infinite checks - None value. Often we do something only if some other function previously returned some actual result.

moona uses monads from fundom (under development).

Be declarative means you named your child good

I'm in love with declarative code, because with that I feel myself as an author that tells a good-written story instead of instruction for building spaceship on toilet paper.

However most enterprise languages are imperative and decorativeness becomes just another code style that hides all imperative instructions under well named functions and elegant constructions.

This is the Saint Graal of moona underlying concepts. Code should be written as some pipeline that tells what actually happens in the system and what we get as a result. Monads, single-argument functions, curring are just tools that can provide this experience in good hands.

No we are ready to get right to moona.


ASGI stand for Asynchronous Server Gateway. This is not some framework. It is just some specification that tells how asynchronous server must be written in Python. So I suggest reading ASGI Specification

Currently moona supports to kinds of ASGI scope - "http" and "lifespan".

HTTP Handlers

HTTPHandler is a function with interface (nxt: HTTPFunc, ctx: HTTPContext) -> future[HTTPContext | None]

In moona HTTPHandler is actually callable class. This is required for providing >> syntax for composing multiple HTTPHandlers.

Short list of handlers of moona:

  • Response Header HTTPHandlers

    • header - sets some header to response;
    • content_type - sets "Content-Type" response header;
  • Request header HTTPHandlers

    • has_header - checks if request has some header;
  • Response Status Code HTTPHandlers

    • set_status - sets status code;
    • set_ok - sets 200 OK status code;
    • ok - sets 200 OK status code and responds with passed value;
  • Response Body HTTPHandlers

    • set_raw - sets response body from bytes;
    • set_text - sets response body from string;
    • set_json - sets response body from pydantic BaseModel;
    • raw - respond with raw bytes;
    • text - respond with string;
    • json - respond with json string form pydantic BaseModel;
  • Request Body HTTPHandlers

    • bind_raw - run some HTTPHandler that processes bytes;
    • bind_text - run some HTTPHandler that processes string;
    • bind_json - run some HTTPHandler that processes pydantic BaseModel;
    • bind_int - run some HTTPHandler that processes integer;
    • bind_dict - run some HTTPHandler that processes dictionary;
  • Request Route HTTPHandlers

    • route - process request on exact route;
    • route_ci - process request on case-insensitive route;
    • subroute - process request on exact subroute;
    • subroute_ci - process request on case-insensitive subroute;
  • Request Method HTTPHandlers

    • method - check if request has corresponding HTTP Method;
    • GET - check if request has "GET" HTTP Method;
    • POST - check if request has "POST" HTTP Method;
    • PUT - check if request has "PUT" HTTP Method;
    • PATCH - check if request has "PATCH" HTTP Method;
    • DELETE - check if request has "DELETE" HTTP Method;
    • HEAD - check if request has "HEAD" HTTP Method;
    • OPTIONS - check if request has "OPTIONS" HTTP Method;
    • TRACE - check if request has "TRACE" HTTP Method;
    • CONNECT - check if request has "CONNECT" HTTP Method;
  • ASGI Events HTTPHandlers

    • receive - "http.request" Receive Event;
    • start - "http.request.start" Send Event;
    • respond - "http.request.body" Send Event;

Example if simple application that calculates nth Fibonacci number and n! on corresponding "GET" routes:

from math import factorial, sqrt

from moona import asgi, http

def fibonacci(n: int) -> int:  # noqa
    return int((((1 + sqrt(5)) ** n) - ((1 - sqrt(5))) ** n) / (2**n * sqrt(5)))

def handle_fibonacci(n: int) -> http.HTTPHandler:  # noqa
    return http.text(str(fibonacci(n)))

def handle_factorial(n: int) -> http.HTTPHandler:  # noqa
    return http.text(str(factorial(n)))

http_handler = http.GET >> http.choose(
        http.route("/factorial") >> http.bind_int(handle_factorial),
        http.route("/fibonacci") >> http.bind_int(handle_fibonacci),

app = asgi.create(http_handler=http_handler)

See more examples in examples folder. Also check out full API specification on official Documentation Page.

Documentation is generated via handsdown

⬇️ Install

moona is currently at a very dynamic and stormy development stage and lacks multiple important features, so it is not published in PyPi currently and can be installed as raw package from GitHub directly.

I suggest using poetry for package management. Having project environment setup execute:

poetry add git+https://github.com/katunilya/moona

Another way is to build package from source:

git clone https://github.com/katunilya/moona
cd moona
poetry build
pip install dist/moona-0.2.2.tar.gz

🏗️ Develop

Fork repository. poetry is required for project development as it provides simple way of managing dependencies and environment. To setup a project run:

make setup

This will create and activate environment, install all required dependencies and setup pre-commit.


Other Makefile features:

  • create_env: create virtual environment;
  • activate_env: activate virtual environment;
  • update_deps: update dependencies with poetry;
  • deps_install_no_dev: install all dependencies except required for development with poetry;
  • deps_install: install all dependencies with poetry;
  • deps_export: export dependencies into requirements.txt;
  • check_flake8: check repository with flake8;
  • check_isort: check repository with isort;
  • test: run pytest tests;
  • check: run all previous checks;
  • setup_pre_commit: setup pre-commit hooks;
  • docs: generate new documentation source files;
  • setup: setup repository for development;

Now you are ready to bring your ideas to the project. Check out Contribution Guidelines for more information on project development.