KnowRob is a knowledge processing system designed for robots. Its purpose is to equip robots with the capability to organize information in re-usable knowledge chunks, and to perform reasoning in an expressive logic. It further provides a set of tools for visualization and acquisition of knowledge.
Getting Started
These instructions will get you a copy of KnowRob up and running on your local machine.
- ROS (ROS melodic for the master branch)
- SWI Prolog >= 7.6
- mongo DB server >= 4.2 and libmongoc
- rosprolog
KnowRob uses the catkin buildsystem that has been the main ROS buildsystem. We have prepared different .rosinstall setup files that you can add to your ROS workspace as described here.
rosdep update
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
wstool init
wstool merge
wstool update
rosdep install --ignore-src --from-paths .
cd ~/catkin_ws
You may further need to set the SWI_HOME_DIR environment variable to the installation location of swipl:
export SWI_HOME_DIR=/usr/lib/swi-prolog
In order to interact with other robot components, the Robot Operating System (ROS) is used via rosprolog. rosprolog provides a ROS node that manages a pool of Prolog engines in which KnowRob can be loaded such that its querying interface is exposed via the node. KnowRob provides a launch file that starts the rosprolog node, and initializes KnowRob:
roslaunch knowrob knowrob.launch
Please refer to the rosprolog documentation for how to interact with this node. However, KnowRob can also be launched without ROS node through a script offered by rosprolog:
rosrun rosprolog rosprolog knowrob
Launching KnowRob without the ROS node may help debugging (at the moment the GUI tracing tool of SWI Prolog gtrace does not work via the rosprolog node).
Getting Familiar
Here we provide an overview about functionality of KnowRob.
The core of KnowRob is an extendible querying interface that provides basic operations ask, tell, forget, and remember. Their argument is some statement written in the KnowRob Querying Language. Language phrases are terms whose semantics is defined in form of Prolog rules using special operators such as ?> (the ask operator), or +> (the tell operator).
KnowRob structures knowledge according to models represented using RDF. Some models are very basic and domain-independent such as the OWL model that e.g. distinguishes between object and datatype properties, or the toplevel ontology SOMA which is supported by KnowRob. KnowRob Models is a collection of such models that are explicitely supported by KnowRob. However, support for other models may be added through plugins.
Triple Store and Data Access
Knowledge is represented in form of temporalized triples -- each subject-predicate-object triple has an additional field that restricts the temporal scope in which the statement represented by the triple is true. A configurable backend is used to store and retrieve temporalized triples -- as a falback implementation, KnowRob provides a simple MongoDB implementation of a temporalized triple store.
One important aspect in knowledge representation for robots is that a lot of knowledge is implicitly encoded in the control structures of the robot. Hence, one goal is to make the knowledge in robot control structures explicit. KnowRob does that through Ontology-based Data Access (OBDA). So called, semantic data accessors are used to map data to symbols in an ontology, often by accessing some database, or by reading from a message queue, etc.
For more information on database backends in KnowRob, please have a look here.
KnowRob uses an ensemble of reasoners approach where inferences of different reasoners are combined into correlated knowledge pieces. The reason for choosing this approach is that there is no single formalism that is suited for every reasoning tasks. Instead, given a problem, one should decide what the most suitable formalism is to tackle it. Consequently, KnowRob can be configured to solve specific problems by loading corresponding reasoning modules that implement a common interface. KnowRob also ships with a set of reasoning modules including an (incomplete) OWL reasoner, a SWRL reasoner, and some specialized reasoning modules that handle domain-specific problems such as reasoning about time intervals using Allen's interval calculus. More complete information about reasoning in KnowRob can be found here.
Further Information
- Sourcecode documentation is available here
- A blog and more wiki pages are avaiabale at