
Sports hall trainings and participation management

Primary LanguagePHP

Sports Hall Management Calendar

(Alternatively, click here for the German documentation)

About Sports Hall Management Calendar

The Sports Hall Management Calendar was built in 2020 to give sports clubs the opportunity to plan training times under difficult conditions even in times of Covid-19.

Trainers can set training dates in the portal and specify a certain number of training participants. Registered athletes can reserve one of the vacancies for a training session.


Server Requirements

  • PHP >= 8.0.2

  • Laravel >= 9

  • MySql >= 8.0

  • optional:

    • git (also good for keeping the software up to date )
    • composer


Setup the software:

Get the Sources: Go to your terminal and type:

git clone https://github.com/kayschima/sports-hall-management-calendar.git

or unzip the downloaded ZIP-file at the GitHub page: https://github.com/kayschima/sports-hall-management-calendar/archive/master.zip

Now continue with the installation:

cd sports-hall-management-calendar
cp .env.example .env
composer install -o --no-dev
php artisan key_generate
php artisan storage:link

(Do not use the --no-dev option if you want to use the package in development mode.)

Setup database and environment:

  • config your database parameters and credentials in the .env file
  • migrate the database
php artisan migrate
  • set APP_ENV=production in the .env file
  • set APP_DEBUG=false in the .env file
  • set the SMHC_- values according to your own needs

The Sports Hall Management Calendar supports the languages:

  • English (APP_LOCALE=en)
  • German/Deutsch (APP_LOCALE=de)

Generate a admin user

Execute the command php artisan shmc:addadmin <name> <email> <password>, e.g.

php artisan shmc:addadmin "The Administrator" admin@admin-world.de ThePassword

Delete user profile photos that are no longer needed

If you want to clear up user profile photos that are no longer needed, just run the command

php artisan shmc:removeunusedphotos

Delete past training times

If you want to clear up training times photos from the past, just run the command

php artisan shmc:removepasttrainings

You can execute all commands at regular intervals via the administration menu, manually via the console or via a cron job.

Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a security vulnerability within Sports Hall Management Calendar, please send an e-mail to Kay Markschies via kayschima@web.de. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.


The Sports Hall Management Calendar is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.