PyTorch re-implementation of DeepLab v2 on COCO-Stuff / PASCAL VOC datasets
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Model breakpoint continuous training?
#118 opened by JiaojiaoYe1994 - 1
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poorer perfermance on VOC dataset
#72 opened by veizgyauzgyauz - 0
Training Deeplab-pytorch on VOC2012 raises metaclass conflict error with TensorFlow 1.10.0 and ANTLR downgrade to 4.8
#116 opened by Linn0910 - 3
Problem loading model
#70 opened by uricamic - 1
How to train on the coco-stuff datasets?
#115 opened by xiaoningpi - 1
How to train on COCO2014 dataset
#114 opened by Italy2006 - 4
COCO number of classes
#112 opened by Bala93 - 1
A simple question about test on VOC
#111 opened by yangxinhaosmu - 1
Question VOC
#113 opened by 7real7 - 4
How to convert the generated npy file into an image
#110 opened by woqiaow - 4
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inference on pascal voc testset
#77 opened by Seohyeong - 2
the pre-trained model
#107 opened by woqiaow - 2
#106 opened by miao19980215 - 2
custom dataset
#105 opened by soans1994 - 2
what do we mean by unary?
#104 opened by seyeeet - 2
how to do the augmentation for training?
#103 opened by seyeeet - 0
cannot find setup_voc12.sh
#102 opened by seyeeet - 2
The results of VOC2012 val dataset
#101 opened by zwy1996 - 4
only 20% mIou
#100 opened by ChunmengLiu1 - 1
Issues about multi gpu training and sync bn
#94 opened by weixuansun - 1
pascal voc2012 dataset
#96 opened by doublelaffe - 2
Extract Feature map
#98 opened by achreff - 1
How to refer to your work?
#99 opened by wuhao9714 - 2
Did someone tested the DeeplabV3 and plus?
#71 opened by heartInsert - 0
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A question about pascal voc pre-trained model
#90 opened by RumengYi - 1
Apply multi-scale during testing
#92 opened by TyroneLi - 1
#93 opened by Angel0003 - 2
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A question about MS-COCO pre-trained weight
#89 opened by johnnylu305 - 6
checkpoint_final.pth doe not exit
#81 opened by wwwmmmqqq - 1
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Image upload not working
#83 opened by bitafro - 2
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Numerical Instability in metrics.py
#87 opened by DebasmitaGhose - 1
#84 opened by wuzuowuyou - 1
reset dilation : layer2 layer3 dilation=1
#85 opened by wuzuowuyou - 0
change batch_size
#82 opened by wwwmmmqqq - 1
BatchNorm Momentum Setting in Pytorch
#79 opened by yuhuan-wu - 1
thanks for your great code
#78 opened by dr18112004 - 0
Can I change the resize process to obtain better performance on high resolution pictures?
#76 opened by BatFaceWayne - 1
will the codes for converting caffeeweights into pytorch weights work on DeepLabV3+ ?
#75 opened by kkhuang1990 - 2
GPU memory usage is very high
#74 opened by Kenneth-X - 1
Inconsistency of the labels from VOC and COCO
#73 opened by JINGTING92 - 3
How can I use it well to 4K images?
#68 opened by JihyongOh - 2
Training time
#69 opened by yuhaoliu7456 - 2
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Different output of the size of Layer
#66 opened by zenght