
Learning to Drop Points for LiDAR Scan Synthesis (IROS 2021)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Learning to Drop Points for LiDAR Scan Synthesis (IROS 2021)

This repository provides the official PyTorch implementation of the following paper:

Learning to Drop Points for LiDAR Scan Synthesis
Kazuto Nakashima and Ryo Kurazume
In IROS 2021
[Project] [Paper]

Overview: We propose a noise-aware GAN for generative modeling of 3D LiDAR data on a projected 2D representation (aka spherical projection). Although the 2D representation has been adopted in many LiDAR processing tasks, generative modeling is non-trivial due to the discrete dropout noises caused by LiDAR’s lossy measurement. Our GAN can effectively learn the LiDAR data by representing such discrete data distribution as a composite of two modalities: an underlying complete depth and the corresponding reflective uncertainty.

Generation: The learned depth map (left), the measurability map for simulating the point-drops (center), and the final depth map (right).

Reconstruction: The trained generator can be used as a scene prior to restore LiDAR data.


To setup with anaconda:

$ conda env create -f environment.yaml
$ conda activate dusty-gan


Please follow the instruction for KITTI Odometry. This step produces the azimuth/elevation coordinates (angles.pt) aligned with the image grid, which are required for all the following steps.

kitti_scene_1 kitti_scene_2

Pretrained Models

Dataset LiDAR Method Weight Configuration
KITTI Odometry Velodyne HDL-64E Baseline Download Download
DUSty-I Download Download
DUSty-II Download Download


Please use train.py with dataset=, solver=, and model= options. The default configurations are defined under configs/ and can be overridden via a console (reference).

$ python train.py dataset=kitti_odometry solver=nsgan_eqlr model=dcgan_eqlr        # baseline
$ python train.py dataset=kitti_odometry solver=nsgan_eqlr model=dusty1_dcgan_eqlr # DUSty-I (ours)
$ python train.py dataset=kitti_odometry solver=nsgan_eqlr model=dusty2_dcgan_eqlr # DUSty-II (ours)

Each run creates a unique directory with saved weights and log file.

└── dataset=<DATASET>
    └── model=<MODEL>
        └── solver=<SOLVER>
            └── <DATE>
                └── <TIME>
                    ├── .hydra
                    │   └── config.yaml # all configuration parameters
                    ├── models
                    │   ├── ...
                    │   └── checkpoint_0025000000.pth # trained weights
                    └── runs
                        └── <TENSORBOARD FILES> # logged losses, scores, and images

To monitor losses, scores, and images, run the following command to launch TensorBoard.

$ tensorboard --logdir outputs/logs


To evaluate synthesis performance, run:

$ python evaluate_synthesis.py --model-path $MODEL_PATH --config-path $CONFIG_PATH

MODEL_PATH and CONFIG_PATH are .pth file and the corresponding .hydra/config.yaml file, respectively. A relative tolerance to detect the point-drop can be changed via --tol option (default 0).

To evaluate reconstruction performance, run:

$ python evaluate_reconstruction.py --model-path $MODEL_PATH --config-path $CONFIG_PATH

To optimize the relative tolerance for the baseline in our paper, run:

$ python tune_tolerance.py --model-path $MODEL_PATH --config-path $CONFIG_PATH

We used 0.008 for KITTI.


$ streamlit run demo.py $MODEL_PATH $CONFIG_PATH
Synthesis Reconstruction


If you find this code helpful, please cite our paper:

    title     = {Learning to Drop Points for LiDAR Scan Synthesis},
    author    = {Nakashima, Kazuto and Kurazume, Ryo},
    booktitle = {IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)},
    pages     = {222--229},
    year      = 2021