- 1
- 0
- 0
The required storage space exceeds the available storage space: nxest or nyest too small, or s too small. Try increasing s.
#94 opened by EssamWisam - 2
transfer to JuliaMath organization?
#93 opened by stevengj - 3
TagBot trigger issue
#74 opened by JuliaTagBot - 3
Tag new release
#73 opened by kaarthiksundar - 1
- 0
Default k adapt to data length
#90 opened by RibeiroAndre - 0
`roots` sometimes cannot find the correct root(s)
#89 opened by islent - 19
libddierckx not defined
#85 opened by gideonsimpson - 2
Return NaN
#86 opened by dmoored4 - 8
#77 opened by cortner - 2
How to cite this package
#75 opened by stevengogogo - 2
MethodError: no method matching (::Spline1D)(::Float64, ::SciMLBase.NullParameters, ::Float64)
#78 opened by troyrock - 0
Complex numbers in Spline1D
#76 opened by psteffensen - 5
Migrating CI to GitHub Actions
#72 opened by kaarthiksundar - 1
Registrator app
#61 opened by kaarthiksundar - 2
Build Error on Mac OS Mojave
#63 opened by GravityAssisted - 1
Citing the Dierckx Julia package
#64 opened by natgeo-wong - 3
Error in adding Package "Dierckx"
#68 opened by abchaud17 - 4
Tag a new release?
#70 opened by simonbyrne - 1
Optimizing a spline
#67 opened by alexboche - 2
- 2
- 2
#62 opened by joaogoliveira1 - 2
Move to Project.toml
#59 opened by kaarthiksundar - 4
Interpolation not type stable?
#48 opened by BeastyBlacksmith - 1
Spline2D with 1D Array z values
#57 opened by St0n89 - 3
#56 opened by mloubout - 24
building error for v0.4.0
#53 opened by EthanAnderes - 4
- 11
Julia 0.7 and 1.0
#50 opened by cortner - 5
add dependency on gfortran and libpcre
#8 opened by ggggggggg - 2
Integrate Spline2D along 1 dimension
#49 opened by lssimoes - 2
- 2
Error when importing Dierckx
#45 opened by charlesll - 2
not compiling on mac?
#46 opened by BeastyBlacksmith - 5
Cannot build Dierckx on Julia 0.5
#43 opened by git4lei - 3
Need a Tag Please
#41 opened by cortner - 3
Decrease code duplication in `ParametricSpline`
#35 opened by kbarbary - 4
Build error on Windows
#16 opened by rand5 - 3
Error messagem while trying to use Spline1D
#30 opened by CaBeOli - 3
Package Installation Fails on OS X Julia v0.5
#23 opened by cortner - 5
Doesn't build on Mac
#21 opened by bambooli - 5
Doesn't build on Windows
#14 opened by davidanthoff - 2
3D Splines?
#6 opened - 3
Unable to use Dierckx with Julia 0.3.5
#4 opened by mathtd - 9
Spline2D gives not the same as Scipy griddata
#3 opened by dhoegh - 3
Could you tag a new version?
#2 opened by dhoegh