
A Python-based framework for processing anatomical (T1, T2) and diffusion weighted images

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

DOI Python Platform

Developed by Tashrif Billah, Ryan Eckbo, Sylvain Bouix, and Isaiah Norton, Brigham and Women's Hospital (Harvard Medical School).

Table of Contents


If this pipeline is useful in your research, please cite as below:

Billah, Tashrif*; Eckbo, Ryan*; Bouix, Sylvain; Norton, Isaiah; Processing pipeline for anatomical and diffusion weighted images, https://github.com/pnlbwh/pnlpipe, 2018, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2584271

*denotes equal first authorship


pnlpipe is a Python-based framework for processing anatomical (T1, T2) and diffusion weighted images. It is prepackaged with some of the PNL's neuroimaging pipelines that are based on a library and scripts you can use to write new pipelines. Each of the pipelines accepts a caselist of images to be analyzed and produces organized output with proper logging. The framework also supports execution of individual scripts. A pipeline is a directed acyclic graph (DAG) of dependencies. The following diagram depicts functionality of the std (standard) pipeline where each node represents an output, and the arrows represent dependencies:


  • unu
  • freesurfer
  • ANTs
  • numpy
  • FSL


1. Install prerequisites

Python 3, FreeSurfer>=5.0.3 and FSL (ignore the one(s) you have already):

Check system architecture

uname -a # check if 32 or 64 bit

Python 3

Download Miniconda Python 3.6 bash installer (32/64-bit based on your environment):

sh Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh -b # -b flag is for license agreement

Activate the conda environment:

source ~/miniconda3/bin/activate # should introduce '(base)' in front of each line


Follow the instruction to download and install FSL.

Make sure to do the patch for imcp/imglob/immv errors from the instruction.


Follow the instruction to download and install FreeSurfer >= 5.0.3 After installation, you can check FreeSurfer version by typing freesurfer on the terminal.

2. Install pipeline

Now that you have installed the prerequisite software, you are ready to install the pipelines (std, epi, hcp):

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/pnlbwh/pnlpipe.git && cd pnlpipe
git checkout py3-compatible         # temporarily we are using py3-compatible branch
conda env create -f python_env/environment36.yml
conda activate pnlpipe3             # should introduce '(pnlpipe3)' in front of each line
mkdir soft_dir                      # 'soft_dir' is where pipeline dependencies will be installed
export PNLPIPE_SOFT=`pwd`/soft_dir
./pnlpipe std init                  # makes default parameter file: pnlpipe_params/std.params
./pnlpipe std setup                 # builds pipeline dependencies specified in std.params

Afterwards, you may also install the epi pipeline:

./pnlpipe epi init                  # makes default parameter file: pnlpipe_params/epi.params
./pnlpipe epi setup                 # builds pipeline dependencies specified in epi.params

A little elaborate instruction is given in Setup.

3. Tests

A small test data is provided with each release. You should download test data as follows:

cd pnlpipe
wget https://github.com/pnlbwh/pnlpipe/releases/download/v2.1.0/test_data.zip
unzip test_data.zip # should unzip to INTRuST folder
cp INTRuST/pnlpipe_config.py .
cp INTRuST/caselist.txt .

Then, as you would run the pipeline (see Running):

./pnlpipe std run

During pipeline execution, you can check the progress:

./pnlpipe std status

Also, at the end of execution, you can check the summary:

./pnlpipe std summarize

4. whitematteranalysis package

If you would like to analyze quality of tractography fibers, you should also install whitematteranalysis by Lauren O'Donnell. While pnlpipe is based on Python 3, whitematteranalysis requires Python 2 interpreter. To install whitematteranalysis, open a new terminal and run the following set of commands:

# download proper binay for your platform from https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda.html
wget https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda2-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh -O ~/Miniconda2-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh

# install Python 2, you may install in another location specified by -p
sh ~/Miniconda2-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh -b -p ~/miniconda2/ 

# this will set up the conda environment for package installation
source ~/miniconda2/bin/activate

# install the package
pip install git+https://github.com/SlicerDMRI/whitematteranalysis.git

# define an environment variable so Python 2 can be found by pnlscripts/wmqlqc.py
export PY2BIN=/absolute/path/to/miniconda2/bin

Here is the detailed instruction for installation. Upon successful installation, you should be able to run ~/miniconda2/bin/wm_quality_control_tractography.py --help.


(If you would like, you may edit your bashrc to have environment automatically setup every time you open a new terminal)

Running individual scripts

1. Configure your environment

source ~/miniconda3/bin/activate           # should introduce '(base)' in front of each line
conda activate pnlpipe3                    # should introduce '(pnlpipe3)' in front of each line
export FREESURFER_HOME=~/freesurfer        # you may specify another directory where FreeSurfer is installed
source $FREESURFER_HOME/SetUpFreeSurfer.sh
export FSLDIR=~/fsl/                       # setup fsl environment
source $FSLDIR/etc/fslconf/fsl.sh
export PATH=$PATH:$FSLDIR/bin
cd pnlpipe && export PNLPIPE_SOFT=`pwd`/soft_dir

2. Temporary directory

Both pnlpipe and pnlNipype have centralized control over various temporary directories created down the pipeline. The temporary directories can be large, and may possibly clog the default /tmp/ directory. You may define custom temporary directory with environment variable PNLPIPE_TMPDIR:

mkdir ~/tmp/
export PNLPIPE_TMPDIR=~/tmp/

3. Source individual software module

Each software module makes a file called env.sh as part of their output, and sourcing that file will add their software path to the PATH environment variable, as well as set any other necessary environment variables. Currently, the following modules make an env.sh file:

  • UKFTractography
  • BRAINSTools
  • dcm2niix
  • ANTs
  • tract_querier

E.g. to add tract_querier to the PATH and PYTHONPATH, you would run

source $PNLPIPE_SOFT/tract_querier-<hash>/env.sh

See Pipeline scripts overview for details about functionality of each script. See Shell environment to learn more about setting up your environment.

Additionally, see Multiprocessing to speed-up your computation.

Running the pipelines

1. Configure your environment

source ~/miniconda3/bin/activate           # should introduce '(base)' in front of each line
conda activate pnlpipe3                    # should introduce '(pnlpipe3)' in front of each line
export FREESURFER_HOME=~/freesurfer        # you may specify another directory where FreeSurfer is installed
source $FREESURFER_HOME/SetUpFreeSurfer.sh
export FSLDIR=~/fsl/                       # setup fsl environment
source $FSLDIR/etc/fslconf/fsl.sh
export PATH=$PATH:$FSLDIR/bin
cd pnlpipe && export PNLPIPE_SOFT=`pwd`/soft_dir

2. Configure your input data

Edit the paths of INPUT_KEYS in pnlpipe_config.py to point to your data. See the back-up pnlpipe_config.py.example:

'caseid_placeholder': '003_GNX_007',
'dwi': '/data/pnl/INTRuST/003_GNX_007/raw/003_GNX_007-dwi.nhdr',
't1': '/data/pnl/INTRuST/003_GNX_007/raw/003_GNX_007-t1w.nhdr',
't2': '/data/pnl/INTRuST/003_GNX_007/raw/003_GNX_007-t2w.nhdr'

An input path is found by looking up its key (left hand side of colon) in INPUT_KEYS. Value of each key (right hand side of colon) is returned after substituting a caseid. So, make sure your input data is organized according to the file structure you define above. Finally, put the caseids in ./caselist.txt you want to analyze:


3. Multiprocessing

Multi-processing is another advanced feature of pnlpipe. Scripts like atlas.py, eddy.py, and wmql.py utilizes python multi-processing capability to make the work faster. You may specify NCPU parameter in pnlpipe_config.py.

NCPU = '8'

On a Linux machine, you should find the number of processors by the command lscpu:

On-line CPU(s) list:   0-55 

You can specify any number not greater than the On-line CPU(s). However, one caveat is, other applications in your computer may become sluggish or you may run into memory error due to heavier computation in the background. If this is the case, reduce NCPU (--nproc) to less than 4.

3. Analyze data

./pnlpipe std run           # runs 'std' pipeline
./pnlpipe std status        # reports progress
./pnlpipe std summarize     # generates _data/tractmeasures.csv - tract measures for all process cases

See Run and monitor and Listing your pipelines output for more details.


Two test cases are provided with release >= v2.0. Download test_data.zip from the release and run test as follows:

tar -xzvf test_data.zip          # unzip the tar ball
cd INTRuST                       # you should see cases 003_GNX_007 and 003_GNX_021
cp pnlpipe_config.py pnlpipe/    # edit pnlpipe_config.py with proper paths
cp caselist.txt pnlpipe/
cd pnlpipe/ && ./pnlpipe std run # also ./pnlpipe epi run

Pipeline scripts overview

pnlscripts is a directory of PNL specific scripts that implement various pipeline steps. The PNL pipelines (via the nodes defined in pnlpipe_pipelines/_pnl.py) call these scripts at each step. These scripts are the successors to the ones in pnlutil. Besides being more robust and up to date with respect to software such as ANTS, they are implemented in python using the shell scripting library plumbum. Being written in python means they are easier to understand and modify, and plumbum allows them to be almost as concise as a regular shell script.

You can call any of these scripts directly, e.g.

./pnlscripts/bse.py -h

To add them to the path, run source env.sh, and you'll be able to call them from any directory.

It's important to note that usually the scripts are calling other binaries, such as those in BRAINSTools. All the software they rely on, with the exception of FreeSurfer and FSL, can be installed by setting up a pipeline and running ./pnlpipe <pipeline> setup, or by running ./pnlpipe install <software> . The software is installed to the $PNLPIPE_SOFT directory. Some of the software modules also write an env.sh file to their output directories, which you can source to add them to your environment (see the section above). This makes it easy to add them to your environment before calling any of the scripts in pnlscripts.

This table summarizes the scripts in pnlpipe/pnlscripts/:

Category Script Function
General axisAlign.py removes oblique coordinate tranform
General center.py changes origin to be at the center of the volume
General alignAndCenter.py axis aligns and centers an image
General mask skullstrips by applying a labelmap mask
DWI antsApplyTransformsDWI.py applies a transform to a DWI
DWI bse.py extracts a baseline b0 image
DWI dwiconvert.py DWI conversion
DWI bet.py extracts a baseline b0 image and masks it
DWI epi.py corrects EPI distortion via registration
DWI eddy.py corrects eddy distortion via registration
DWI dwi_motion_estimate_flirt.py read transforms by FLIRT and calculates displacement
Structural atlas.py computes a brain mask from training data
Structural fs.py runs freesurfer but takes care of some common preprocessing steps
Structural makeRigidMask.py rigidly transforms a labelmap to align with another structural image
Freesurfer to DWI fs2dwi.py registers a freesurfer segmentation to a DWI
Tractography wmql.py simple wrapper for tract_querier
Tractography wmqlqc.py makes html page of rendered wmql tracts
Tractography summarizeTractMeasures.py makes a summary of tract measures for a project


pnlpipe accepts 3D/4D MRI in NRRD format. To generate NRRD from DWI, use dcm2niix

dcm2niix -o outputDir -f namePrefix -z y -e y -b y dicomDir

Run and monitor

Once you're ready to run the pipeline:

./pnlpipe std run

This runs the std pipeline for every combination of parameters in std.params. Since we're using the defaults, there is only one combination of parameters per case id.

You can get an overview of the pipeline and its progress by running

./pnlpipe std status

This prints the pipeline's parameters, the input and output paths, and how many case ids are processed thus far.

When the pipeline is done, you can generate a summary report:

./pnlpipe std summarize

This makes _data/std-tractmeasures.csv, a csv of all wmql tract measures across all subjects, and _data/std-tractmeasures-summary.csv, a summary csv of wmql tract measures together with their counterparts from the INTRuST dataset as a way of comparison.

You're not limited to running one pipeline, you can run any number of the pipelines available. For example, you could now run the EPI distortion correction pipeline in order to compare its results to that of the standard one:

./pnlpipe epi init
# edit pnlpipe_params/epi.params
./pnlpipe epi setup
./pnlpipe epi run
./pnlpipe epi summarize

You will then see the files


Listing your pipeline's output

Every pipeline gives a short name for some, usually all, of its outputs. You can see these names when you run ./pnlpipe <pipeline> status (or by inspecting the pipeline's make_pipeline function in pnlpipe_pipelines/<pipline>.py). For example, the std pipeline describes dwied as an eddy current corrected DWI, and shows its output template path as _data/<caseid>/DwiEd-<caseid>-...nrrd. To list the actual output paths of the eddy corrected DWI's for all your case ids, use the ls subcommand:

pnlpipe std ls dwied

This lists all existing output. If you'd like to get a list of missing output, use the -x flag:

./pnlpipe std ls -x dwied

For all output, existing and missing, use -a:

./pnlpipe std ls -a dwied

Sometimes you just want the list of case ids for which a particular output exists (or is missing), or perhaps you want the case ids alongside their output paths. You can do that as follows:

./pnlpipe std ls -s dwied # prints <caseid> for existing paths
./pnlpipe std ls -c dwid  # prints <caseid>,<path> for existing paths

You can combine flags together. To get the csv of all missing Freesurfer subject directories, you would run

./pnlpipe std ls -cx fs

The ls command helps you inspect your generated data or use it for other types of processing by piping its results to other commands. Say you want to get the space directions of all your eddy corrected DWI's, you could do the following:

./pnlpipe std ls dwied | unu head | grep 'space directions'


(If you have not configured the following so far, do it now)

source ~/miniconda3/bin/activate            # should intoduce '(base)' in front of each line
conda activate pnlpipe3                     # should introduce '(pnlpipe3)' in front of each line
export FREESURFER_HOME=~/freesurfer         # you may specify another directory where FreeSurfer is installed
source $FREESURFER_HOME/SetUpFreeSurfer.sh
export FSLDIR=~/fsl/                        # setup fsl environment
source $FSLDIR/etc/fslconf/fsl.sh
export PATH=$PATH:$FSLDIR/bin
cd pnlpipe && export PNLPIPE_SOFT=`pwd`/soft_dir

Premade pipelines are in the pnlpipe_pipelines directory. For example, the standard PNL pipeline is defined in pnlpipe_pipelines/std.py, and the EPI correction pipeline is defined in pnlpipe_pipelines/epi.py. You can also get a list of available pipelines by running ./pnlpipe -h. As an example, we will run the PNL standard pipeline, the one named std.

Before running a pipeline, we need to configure it. This involves two steps: one, we need to specify its parameters, and two, we need to build the software it requires.

To specify the parameters, we put them in a yaml configuration file, in this case called pnlpipe_params/std.params. To make a default version of this file, run

./pnlpipe std init

This makes a parameter file with the pipeline's default parameters. For the std pipeline, the most important ones are the input keys, inputDwiKey, inputT1Key, etc. These are the keys the pipeline uses to find its input data, by looking up their paths in pnlpipe_config.INPUT_KEYS. For example, inputDwiKey: [dwi] means that the pipeline will find its DWI input by looking up 'dwi' in INPUT_KEYS. Likewise, inputT1Key: [t1] means that the pipeline will find its T1w input by looking up 't1' in INPUT_KEYS. The reason it is done this way is that if you happen to reorganize your data, you just have to update your pnlpipe_config.INPUT_KEYS, and your parameters remain the same.

Another important field is caseid; the default is ./caselist.txt, which means the pipeline will look in that file to find the case ids you want to use with this pipeline. Make it by putting each case id on its own line.

You will notice that the parameter values are wrapped in square brackets. This is because you can specify more than one value for each parameter. For example, if you wanted to run the std pipeline using a DWI masking bet threshold of 0.1 as well as a 0.15, you would write: bet_threshold: [0.1, 0.15]. For more details on specifying multiple parameter combinations, see further down in this README.

Now you're ready to build the software needed by the pipeline. The required software is determined by the parameters that end in '_version' and '_hash' (a Github commit hash). Before building the software packages, you need to specify the directory to install them to, and you do this by setting a global environment variable called $PNLPIPE_SOFT (e.g. export PNLPIPE_SOFT=path/to/software/dir). Now build the software by running-

./pnlpipe std setup

(if any of the software packages already exist, they will not rebuild). You should now see the results in $PNLPIPE_SOFT, such as BRAINSTools-bin-2d5eccb/ and UKFTractography-421a7ad/.

Advanced options

1. Parameters

Multiple Parameter Combinations

Sometimes you'd like to run a pipeline using different parameters, for example when trying to optimize results, or to test out the effect of different software versions. The walkthrough briefly mentioned how to have multiple parameter values, but this section will provide more details.

Lists of parameter values

Each pipeline has one parameters file: pnlpipe_params/<pipeline>.params. This is a file that is expected to be in yaml format and have either a single dictionary, or a list of dictionaries. The keys of the dictionaries are the names of the arguments to the make_pipeline function in the pnlpipe_pipelines/<pipeline>.py, and each key has a list of values. When this parameter file is read, every combination of parameter values is calculated, and each of these parameter combinations will be printed when you run ./pnlpipe <pipeline> status, and each will be used by pipeline when you run ./pnlpipe <pipeline> run.

Here's a simple example. Say we have a pipeline pnlpipe_pipelines/simply.py, with the following signature for make_pipeline:

def make_pipeline(caseid, inputDwiKey, someparam=0.1):

When you run ./pnlpipe simple init, it will make a file like this:

caseid: [./caselist.txt]
inputDwiKey: ['*mandatory*']
someparam: [0.1]

Now say that our pnlpipe_config.py looks like the following:

'caseid_placeholder': '{case},
'dwi': '../{case}/{case}-dwi.nhdr',
'dwiharm': '../{case}/{case}-dwi-harm.nhdr'

where dwi stands for our raw DWI's, and dwiharm are some preprocessed versions. To run the simple pipeline on both types of DWI using the same caselist, we would make our parameters

caseid: [./caselist.txt]
inputDwiKey: [dwi, dwiharm]
someparam: [0.1]

Then ./pnlpipe simple status will show the parameters, output template paths, and progress for 2 parameter combinations, (dwi, 0.1) and (dwiharm, 0.1). If we made someparam: [0.1, 0.2], then there would be 4 parameter combinations.

Lists of parameter dictionaries

Say that for the above example, instead of running the pipeline for someparam=0.1 and someparam=0.2 for both dwi and dwiharm, we only wanted to use 0.1 for dwi and 0.2 for dwiharm, we could achieve that by writing two separate parameter dictionaries:

- caseid: [./caselist.txt]
  inputDwiKey: [dwi]
  someparam: [0.1]

- caseid: [./caselist.txt]
  inputDwiKey: [dwi]
  someparam: [0.2]

(Make sure that all the parameter names line up with caseid!). Another example is when you have input paths that are in different directories, each having different case lists. To run the pipeline on both data sets, you would make 2 or more dictionaries:

- caseid: [./caselist1.txt]
  inputDwiKey: [dwi2]
  someparam: [0.1]

- caseid: [./caselist2.txt]
  inputDwiKey: [dwi2]
  someparam: [0.1]

Running and listing specific parameter combinations

./pnlpipe <pipeline> run will automatically run for every parameter combination. To only run it for particular combination, you can use the -p switch.

./pnlpipe <pipeline> run -p 2

This runs the pipeline for the second parameter combination, as listed by ./pnlpipe <pipeline> status. ls and env behave similarly:

./pnlpipe <pipeline> ls dwi -p 1
eval $(./pnlpipe <pipeline> env -p 1)

2. Shell environment

Pipeline shell environment

Sometimes you want access to the same software environment that your pipeline does when it runs with a particular parameter combination. This is possible by using the env command.

./pnlpipe <pipeline> env -p 2

prints a Bash setup that exports the software paths and example data paths for <pipeline>'s second parameter combination. To add them to your environment, run

eval `./pnlpipe <pipeline> env -p 2`  # or
eval $(./pnlpipe <pipeline> env -p 2)

Ad-hoc shell environment

Some of the pre-made software modules make a file called env.sh as part of their output, and sourcing that file will add their software path to the PATH environment variable, as well as set any other necessary environment variables. Currently, the following modules make an env.sh file:

  • UKFTractography
  • BRAINSTools
  • dcm2niix
  • ANTs
  • tract_querier
  • whitematteranalysis

E.g. to add tract_querier to the PATH and PYTHONPATH, you would run

source $PNLPIPE_SOFT/tract_querier-<hash>/env.sh

Similarly, for ANTs, you would run

source $PNLPIPE_SOFT/ANTs-bin-<hash>/env.sh

Global bashrc

If you want your terminal to have the scripts automatically discoverable and environment ready to go, you may put the following lines in your bashrc:

source ~/miniconda3/bin/activate            # should intoduce '(base)' in front of each line
conda activate pnlpipe3                     # should introduce '(pnlpipe3)' in front of each line
export FREESURFER_HOME=~/freesurfer         # you may specify another directory where FreeSurfer is installed
source $FREESURFER_HOME/SetUpFreeSurfer.sh
export FSLDIR=~/fsl                         # you may specify another directory where FreeSurfer is installed
export PATH=$PATH:$FSLDIR/bin
source $FSLDIR/etc/fslconf/fsl.sh
export $PATH=$PATH:/absolute/path/to/pnlpipe/pnlscripts
export PNLPIPE_SOFT=/absolute/path/to/pnlpipe/soft_dir
source $PNLPIPE_SOFT/tract_querier-<hash>/env.sh
source $PNLPIPE_SOFT/BRAINSTools-bin-<hash>/env.sh
source $PNLPIPE_SOFT/UKFTractography-<hash>/env.sh
source $PNLPIPE_SOFT/dcm2niix-<hash>/env.sh
source $PNLPIPE_SOFT/ANTs-bin-<hash>/env.sh

3. PNL: Running on the cluster

(This functionality has not been well tested)

The PNL uses a high performance computing cluster for most of its data processing, and this cluster uses LSF to manage batch processing. pnlpipe provides a Makefile that allows you to easily submit your pipeline jobs to this system.

Edit Makefile and replace std in the line PIPE := std to the name of the pipeline you wish to run. Now you can submit pipeline jobs for individual case ids like this:

make 001-bsub8 002-bsub8 003-bsub8

This submits an 8 core LSF job for each of the case ids 001, 002, and 003. If resources are limited, 4 cores might be better:

make 001-bsub4 002-bsub4 003-bsub4

For a large case list, this method is tedious and it's possible that you accidentally submit a job for a case id that's already in the queue or running. A better way is to run

make caselist-bsub8  # or, make caselist-bsub4

This will iterate over each case id in caselist.txt and submit an 8 core job to the LSF system, but only if that case id is not already running (it uses the LSF command bjobs to determine this). If your caselist is not named caselist.txt, edit the Makefile and modify the line CASELIST := caselist.txt to point to your file.

An alternative to modifying the Makefile is to set the variables on the command line:

make PIPE=std CASELIST=caselist2.txt caselist-bsub8

4. Installing software without using pipeline

You can install software without configuring a pipeline and running ./pnlpipe <pipeline> setup. To do this, use the install subcommand:

./pnlpipe install <software> [--version <version>]

E.g. to install the DiffusionPropagator branch of UKFTractography, run

./pnlpipe install UKFTractography --version DiffusionPropagator

To install the Github revision 41353e8 of BRAINSTools, run

./pnlpipe install BRAINSTools --version 41353e8

Or, to install the master branch:

./pnlpipe install BRAINSTools --version master

Each software module interprets version in its own way. Most of the time, --version expects a Github revision, as for these examples. However the switch is optional; running install without specifying a version will install the software's default version.

Here's an example on how to install the Washington University's HCP Pipeline scripts:

./pnlpipe install HCPPipelines --version 3.22.0

5. Writing your own pipelines

(This functionality has not been well tested)

pnlpipe is a well-structured framework for authoring and running file based data processing pipelines and for automatically installing prerequisite software packages. Unlike many other data processing software, it allows you to:

  • build your pipelines from parameterized nodes that generate their own file paths
  • run your pipelines with many parameter combinations without extra work
  • write new nodes and pipelines with little boilerplate

It is primarily designed for scientific workflows that have long running processes and that operate on a set of observations. It comes prepackaged with some of the PNL's neuroimaging pipelines that are based on a library and scripts that you can use to write new pipelines.

To author a pipeline in pnlpipe, you construct a DAG using python code. This DAG must be returned by a function called make_pipeline in a python module under pnlpipe_pipelines. The name of the module is used as the name of the pipline. You will then be able to run any of the ./pnlpipe <pipeline> subcommands.

This section will be expanded in the future, but for now, see pnlpipe_pipelines/std.py for an example on how to construct a pipeline, and see pnlpipe_pipelines/_pnl.py for examples on how to write your own nodes.


Known errors

1. error setting certificate verify locations

During the setup phase you may encounter this error, in which case run

git config --global http.sslverify "false"

and run setup again.


Create an issue at https://github.com/pnlbwh/pnlpipe/issues . We shall get back to you as early as possible.