The engine use XML to describe internal graphics layout that has following targets:
- Much easier to develop Vulkan applications than usual way.
- Much easier to setup a more flexible environment for those who focus on developing shaders.
- Much easier to fine tune the settings of Vulkan graphics pipeline.
and has following features:
- XML described layout, even including commands. See hello_world.xml for example.
- Uses XML schema to provide validation and intellisense function by Visual Studio.
- Debug marker ready for tools like RenderDoc
- Loading resources by thread pool.
- Ability to serialize XML layout to binary file.
- triangle triangle example.
- hello world simple example.
- headless compute-only example.
- multiview simple multi-view example.
- multiwin simple multi-window example.
- serialize layout serialize layout example.
- skybox skybox example.
- render_to_skybox render to skybox example.
- overlay overlay UI example.
- cereal - A C++11 library for serialization
- C++ Mathematical Expression Toolkit Library Documentation
- Dear ImGui
- OpenGL Mathematics
- spdlog
- stb
- thread-pool-cpp
- TinyXML-2
- Vulkan Memory Allocator
- Zstandard
There is a batch file to generate solution files for Visual Studio Express 2017.
Open android/
/build.gradle on Android Studio to build.- More platforms.
- More examples.
- More documents.