Point Cloud matchign using ICP

The registration of pointclouds is carried out in this repository. The transformation required to match the poinclouds is obtained as the output of the main script. Libpointmatcher library is used for processing pointclouds. Paraview is used to visualize pointclouds.

The main script (main.py) is inside the scripts (./scripts) folder of this repository.

Scan data of all the objects are inside the data (./data) folder of this repository.

The input, output and reference vtk files of all the objects are present inside the results(./scripts/results) folder

Configuration File:

Crucial parameters of the ICP is provided in the icp_cfg.yaml file inside scripts folder (./scripts)

main.py script is launched to get transformation matrix for all objects in the terminal.

Reference and output vtk obtained in results folder match with each other when visualized in Paraview.