- 0
- 3
multipart/form-data integration?
#79 opened by AndrewSB - 2
- 1
- 0
Error of No such module 'Get'
#90 opened by skywalkerlw - 1
How to globally set a common group of header
#87 opened by skywalkerlw - 0
Problem with Pulse
#86 opened by fklingenberg - 0
multipart/form-data example
#82 opened by wmorgue - 1
Add urlSession(_:task:didSendBodyData:totalBytesSent:totalBytesExpectedToSend:) to DataLoader's implemented delegate callbacks
#77 opened by jnouwen - 1
Problem with sending post requests
#76 opened by fklingenberg - 4
How to handle 422 json error response?
#69 opened by sjmueller - 2
Conforming to `Codable`
#74 opened by wmorgue - 4
- 2
Add `MultiAPIClientDelegate`, a delegate that forwards calls to multiple underlying delegates.
#67 opened by grdsdev - 2
Concurrency warning
#53 opened by wmorgue - 6
Crashes with Swift 5.7 and Xcode14
#60 opened by obrhoff - 6
- 0
#56 opened by Xixi0218 - 0
can't get this to build to xcframeworks
#55 opened by wweevv-johndpope - 1
CocoaPods support
#52 opened by mhamann - 1
Protocol for APIClient Methods
#48 opened by LePips - 2
baseURL incorrect
#45 opened by i-tengfei - 5
Encode '+' in query string
#35 opened by alsaybar - 3
APIClient v2
#36 opened by kean - 0
Resumable Downloads
#34 opened by kean - 2
[Question] Purpose of `Request`'s `id` property?
#33 opened by liamnichols - 1
Deprecate cURLDescription
#31 opened by kean - 1
Using HTTP instead of HTTPS
#27 opened by aleguizzo - 0
localhost:yourPort/yourname/v1/yourEndpoint - A server with the specified hostname could not be found.
#25 opened by adku - 4
- 2
SwiftUI Example
#21 opened by wmorgue - 2
APIClientDelegate functions not called?
#17 opened by bonkowski - 1
Duplicating requests with different body
#13 opened by picoHz - 5
GitHubAPI usage returning 401 response
#9 opened by briviere - 6
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