- 23
Moment2 (FWHM) Images Do Not Agree With Spectral Line FWHM at Positions Near Sigma Clip Limits
#45 opened by jmangum - 0
Documentation Update Needed
#44 opened by jmangum - 48
Setting `signal_mask_limit` and `spatial_mask_limit` to `None` Does Not Result in an Unmasked Image
#43 opened by jmangum - 5
`max_map` calculated from `cutoutcube` but used with `noisemap` that is calculated using `cube`
#40 opened by jmangum - 0
Formal Writeup of Masking Process
#42 opened by jmangum - 3
- 1
First Step in Still Correct?
#32 opened by jmangum - 0
Readme update
#35 opened by jmangum - 4
- 7
- 6
Feature Request: Allow for Multiple Sample Pixels
#18 opened by jmangum - 1
Update Diagnostic Plots to Improve Usefullness
#30 opened by jmangum - 5
- 5
Feature Request: Use "Brightest Line" Cube Which Does Not Share Image Cube Parameters of Target Cube
#6 opened by jmangum - 3
FITS header updates and sqrt(mom2) still needed?
#25 opened by jmangum - 5
- 4
Moment images no longer have attribute FITSFigure
#27 opened by jmangum - 5
- 2
Feature Request: Rudimentary CLEAN for CubeLineMoment Line Extraction Efficiency
#7 opened by jmangum - 0
- 4
Feature Request: Add Central Beam to Model Peak Intensity Comparison Output to Gaussfit_Catalog
#12 opened by jmangum - 0
Feature Request: Optionally use STATCONT Baseline RMS Image for noisemap_baseline and/or noisemapbright_baseline
#17 opened by jmangum - 3
- 6
- 0
Feature Request: Sanity Check for noisemapbright_baseline and noisemap_baseline Inputs
#11 opened by jmangum - 1
Move DEBUG file output to diagnostics directory
#13 opened by jmangum - 2
- 4
- 9
Bug (or Unexplained Result): CubeLineMoment Produces Highly-Clustered Mom2 Images
#9 opened by jmangum - 0
- 1
Bug in width_mask
#2 opened by jmangum - 0