- 1
#33 opened by geraldbrent1 - 2
NDI Audio support
#32 opened by rareshornet - 2
- 1
No Audio output
#30 opened by jmggs - 3
Specify NDI Source From Command Line
#28 opened by wtribe - 3
Android app permission issue
#29 opened by newemka - 5
- 2
Build instructions
#27 opened by pinpox - 6
linux hevc codec missed?
#20 opened by AndreV84 - 2
REQUEST: Add license
#26 opened by Janik-Haag - 6
Segfault on Wayland
#12 opened by savchenko - 2
Add recording capability?
#25 opened by keero - 2
New request : NDI HX source monitor for android
#24 opened by REDDDDY - 2
Android to Android not working
#23 opened by TidusWulf - 2
How do you exit the app?
#17 opened by seven110 - 2
Is it possible to build for Oculus Quest 2?
#18 opened by turkodamian - 1
Feature Addition Request
#19 opened by wongdi - 8
- 1
Send NDI source sound to monitor
#22 opened by enawaves - 2
Can an APK be provided?
#16 opened by tigert10 - 2
Windowed view possible?
#15 opened by TraderHowell - 2
is 2021.2.0b16 the right unity version? i'm trying to make it work on my android
#10 opened by ayaldev - 7
- 3
Need some instructions
#9 opened by orrinwitt - 2
building for local web server
#11 opened by BlackFishMaker - 2
A bit more instructions?
#7 opened by spreeni151 - 4
- 1
Keep source aspect ratio
#3 opened by keijiro - 1
Instructions for noobs
#6 opened by lenartd2 - 1
No Audio
#5 opened by kithammond - 1
#2 opened by lyon470 - 6
libndi is not ready
#1 opened by magdesign