FP COP - Tagless Final DSLs in Scala

This repo contains Jupyter notebook/presentation and supporting Ammonite scripts for the Functional Programming COP talk on Tagless Final DSLs in Scala.


Intall Jupyter and Almond

This assumes you have Python and pip installed. Using a virtualenv or Anaconda/miniconda environment is also recommended.

  1. Install jupyter: pip install jupyter

  2. Install the almond Scala kernel for Jupyter.

$ coursier bootstrap \
    -i user -I user:sh.almond:scala-kernel-api_$SCALA_VERSION:$ALMOND_VERSION \
    sh.almond:scala-kernel_$SCALA_VERSION:$ALMOND_VERSION \
    -o almond
$ ./almond --install

More comprehensive instructions for installing almond can be found on the almond website.

Install Ammonite

In order to run the Ammonite scripts, you will need to install Ammonite. Installations instructions can be found on the Ammonite website.

Homebrew can be used to install Ammonite on Mac OS:

$ brew install ammonite-repl

Running the Jupyter notebook

  1. Clone or download this repository:
$ cd /path/to/projects
$ git clone https://github.com/keithschulze/fp-cop-tagless-final
  1. Navigate to the cloned repository and run Jupyter notebook server.
$ cd /path/to/projects/fp-cop-tagless-final
$ jupyter notebook

Note: Remember to activate your virtualenv if you installed Jupyter in one. Note: Almond only seems to work with JDK1.8. If your kernel fails to start, see these instructions.

Run Ammonite scripts

$ cd /path/to/projects/fp-cop-tagless-final
$ amm banking.sc
$ amm imgprocessor.sc

Build Jupyter slides

$ cd /path/to/projects/fp-cop-tagless-final
$ jupyter nbconvert fp-cop-tagless-final.ipynb --to slides --post serve