
This repo is part of kPAM that provides ros service for 3D keypoint detection. The name ManKey stands for manipulation based on keypoints.

Install Instruction

  • Clone this repo into your catkin workspace by git clone mankey_ros (Note the underscore)
  • Run catkin_make to build the message types
  • To run the code in nodes/ and scripts/, you need to add ${project_path} to PYTHONPATH [1]. You might run export PYTHONPATH="${project_path}:${PYTHONPATH}"

Run Instruction

  • Download the pre-trained network here, the test data is available at ${project_root}/test_data
  • Start the keypoint detection server with python nodes/ --net_path path/to/pretrained/net
  • Run the test by python scripts/

Training Instruction

Please follow the instruction here to download the dataset and annotation. The dataset directory structure is described here. We will use the mug data as an example.

You need to run mankey/dataproc/scripts/pdc/ to generate the annotation files. For this script, the annotation_dir parameter should be the path to mug_3_keypoint directory of the annotation you just download. The log_root_path is the full path to logs_proto in this document. Other two parameters are less important and can be set to some intutive strings.

After data generation, you can run training using scripts in mankey/experiment/ You need to modify the db_config in construct_dataset function. The keypoint_yaml_name is the same as the save_relative_path in the script. The config_file_path is the scene list, for mug you might use mankey/config/mug_up_with_flat_logs.txt.


[1] The official way for python package installation is the file in ros. However, I always forgot to re-run catkin_make after modifying the python code, which causes confusion. Thus, I prefer to directly add ${project_path} to PYTHONPATH.