- VITAMIN-E : VIsual Tracking And MappINg with Extremely Dense Feature Points (CVPR2019)
- This project is ongoing, not done yet.
- Not optimized yet and runs slowly.
Please install the following tools and libraries:
- CMake 3.10+
- C++ Compiler (C++11 supports) such as:
- Visual C++ 2015+ (if Windows)
- GCC 7+ (if Linux)
- OpenCV 4+ with VTK
- core
- highgui
- calib3d
- imgproc
- features2d
- viz (VTK required)
- video
This program is confirmed running successfully in the following environments:
- Windows
- Windows 10 x64
- CMake 3.17.1
- Visual Studio 2019
- OpenCV 4.3.0 with VTK 8.0
- Open command prompt.
- Run the following commands.
> dir /b
> mkdir build
> cd build
> cmake ..\sources
- Open the generated .sln file in "build" folder by VisualStudio.
- Build "ALL_BUILD" in Release mode.
- --video="C:\path\to\video"
- --calib="C:\path\to\calib.yml"
- --param="TBD"
> slam.exe --video="C:\path\to\video" --calib="C:\path\to\calib.yml" --param="TBD"
- Pinhole camera model is available.
- Please do a calibration using a checkerboards as described in the following page:
- Calibration results must be saved like the following:
%YAML 1.1
numOfPoints: 70
reprojError: 0.3507153023198588
width: 1280
height: 720
fx: 968.1090867
fy: 979.82648
cx: 637.876864
cy: 354.645136