
This project contains the templates for the HRATC Challenge 2017

Primary LanguageCMake

The hratc2017_entry_template package will help the HRATC 2017 competitors jump start their entry! To know more about HRATC 2017 visit http://inf.ufrgs.br/hratc2017/HRATC2017/Welcome.html


To learn how to install the complete HRATC 2017 framework visit http://inf.ufrgs.br/hratc2017/HRATC2017/Simulator.html

Examples in the repository

The examples present on the hratc2017_entry_template package are available under the examples folder. These are divided into two sub-folders, cpp and py.

The cpp examples are:

  • get_data - In this example we show how to read odometry, gps, metal detection information, among other stuff.
  • random_walk_simple_node - In this example a random walk algorithm is implemented. The goal is to demonstrate how to subscribe to the odometry and laser data and publish velocity commands to the robot.
  • set_mine_node - In this example we show how to tell the HRATC 2017 Judge that we found a mine.

The py example is:

  • simple_control - This example is designed to guide you through the system capabilities. Thus it was made as plain as possible. This is not meant to be a complete and exhaustive tutorial. We just illustrate some of the basic features of the system using a sample code in python. There are snippets of code for most of the system capabilities in this package.

How to run a node?

With the simulator running:

$ rosrun hratc2017_entry_template name_of_the_node


$ rosrun hratc2017_entry_template simple_control


  • cpp examples by Gonçalo Cabrita and Renan Maffei;
  • python examples by Guilherme Franco and Renan Maffei;