MRP2 Common ROS Packages

This repository contains common ROS packages for MRP2 Robot. These packages are needed for both the robot itself and the simulation. This version has ros_control implemented with additional built-in packages developed by the community.

1. Active Packages

  • mrp2_analyzer
  • mrp2_common
  • mrp2_control
  • mrp2_description
  • mrp2_navigation

2. Information on Packages

2.1. mrp2_analyzer

This package is used for diagnostic purposes. It makes use of diagnostic_aggregator and publishes states of right and left motors, battery and lights.

2.2. mrp2_common

This is the metapackage only. No other applications.

2.3. mrp2_control

This package contains teleoperation and ros_control related launch files and configurations.

2.4. mrp2_description

This package has URDF and xacro files for description of MRP2. Both gazebo and ros_control use this package for visualization and navigation purposes.

2.5. mrp2_navigation

This package includes launch files, parameters and maps for different navigation applications.