
A package for multiple ultrasonic sensor into ROS

Primary LanguageC++

ROS package to publish multiple RangeMsgs

  • A ROS package for multiple ultrasonic sensor running simultaneously
  • Publishing range msgs at around 5 hz
  • Hardware: MB7380 HRXL-MaxSonar-WRT as ultrasonic sensor and Raspberry Pi as a main controller
  • WiringPi Lib is used to create threads for each ultrasonic sensor
  • UTs are connected to pi3 at pins
    • S0: Echo-17, Trig-27
    • S1: Echo-22, Trig-05
    • S2: Echo-06, Trig-13
    • S1: Echo-19, Trig-26
    • S1: Echo-21, Trig-20
  • where: S0 is the left most and S4 is the right most
NOTE : this package requires super-user permission to work because it is using WiringPi Library to crearte thresds for each ultrasonic sensor