
Uses TensorFlow and FC2 features to match test images to the same category given a query image as input

Primary LanguagePython


Uses TensorFlow and FC2 features to match test images to the same category given a query image as input

How to use:

  • Run the download_dataset_and_weights.sh script
    • ./download_dataset_and_weights.sh
  • Simply execute the vgg_example.py file
    • python vgg16_example.py

Once it is up and running, every so often you will see prints similar to the following:

Current Correct list: ['image_00748.jpg', 'image_00749.jpg', 'image_00750.jpg', 'image_00751.jpg']

Matches are:

  • Distance: 2.45867538452, FileName: image_00748.jpg
  • Distance: 22.8059749603, FileName: image_00751.jpg
  • Distance: 37.0147171021, FileName: image_00750.jpg
  • Distance: 38.9278831482, FileName: image_00749.jpg
  • Precision@4: 1.0

This shows the similarity distance between the query and the matches as well as the filename of the matched images. This also shows the precision@4 compared to the ground truth. A file containing these prints as well as final results will be created as "Last_Run.txt"