
Tool to enable jumping to the target containing the source file (relies on buildozer)

Primary LanguagePython


Tool to enable jumping to the target containing the source file (relies on buildozer)



  • Provides a single command bazel-goto-build.goToBuild which will jump to the BUILD file and line at which the target is defined which contains the current source file.


  • Manual work is needed as there is not yet a plugin which integrates the tool. Please see the Integration with Vim/NeoVim section below.


This tool (both VSCode and Vim/NeoVim) currently only works on linux. It depends heavily on buildozer to parse BUILD files and fine the srcs, hdrs (if applicable), and data deps for each rule in a Bazel WORKSPACE.

Support for Windows and OSX may be considered in the future.

The main driver script (goto_build.py) depends on buildozer but will fetch it itself the first time it is run.

Integration with Vim/NeoVim

To use the tool in Vim/NeoVim, add the following to your .vimrc or init.vim and adjust the command so that the path points to the goto_build.py file in this repository.

function! s:gotobuild() abort
    let l:file_path=expand('%:p')
    let l:command="path/to/goto_build.py -i " . l:file_path
    let l:result=trim(system(l:command))
    if l:result == ""
      echo 'No corresponding BUILD file found'
      let l:result_list=split(l:result, ':')
      let l:build_file_name=l:result_list[0]
      let l:build_file_line=l:result_list[1]
      execute 'edit +' . l:build_file_line l:build_file_name
      execute 'normal! zz'
command! -complete=command GOTOBuild call <SID>gotobuild()
nnoremap <silent> mB :GOTOBuild<CR>