Minimal boost example with conan

If you are thinking, making a C++ project with boost is hard, I have a solution for you.

Here are the 7 steps you must follow:

  1. clone this repository and cd into it

git clone

cd cpp_boost_with_conan

  1. make a build directory which will hold the temporary build files

mkdir build

cd build

  1. using the conanfile.txt build the requirements and put them into conan's cache. The path provided to the conan command should contain a conanfile.txt or

conan install ../ --generator=virtualenv --build=missing

  1. activate the virtual environment created by the previous step. The paths will be set to contain everything needed for the development

On *nix systems use:


On Windows* systems use:


  1. generate the build files using the contents of the CMakeLists.txt file. The path provided to the cmake command should contain the CMakeLists.txt file

cmake ..

  1. Build the generated solution

cmake --build .

  1. Run the console application
