This is a carefully curated list of awesome AdonisJS resources 🌟
AdonisJS is a fully featured web framework for Node.js. It includes everything you need to create a fully functional web app or an API server.
We would like to thank Zura Gabievi for maintaining this repo for years and transferring it to the core team.
- AdonisJS official website
- AdonisJS documentation
- AdonisJS github
- AdonisJS discussions forum
- AdonisJS twitter
- AdonisJS Firebase Cloud Messaging – The wrapper for send messages to Firebase Cloud Messaging
- AdonisJS Lucid Filter – Addon for filtering AdonisJS Lucid ORM
- AdonisJS Inertia Provider - Allows you to build server-driven single page apps using Inertia.js
- Adonis Class Validator - Adonis Class Validator provides a means to validate a request data using a class based schema
- Adonis Mix Asset - Adonis Mix Asset is an assets bundler based on Laravel Mix for AdonisJS application
- Adonis Bull - A bull queue provider for AdonisJS applications
- Adonis Stripe - This package makes it seamless to work with Stripe in AdonisJS 5 applications.
- Adonis Swagger - Swagger for Adonis 5
- Adonis Sentry - Sentry for Adonis 5
- Adonis Cache - Cache provider for Adonis 5.
- Adonis BullMQ - Simple BullMQ provider for you own queue commands
- Adonis NATS - Scale your Adonis 5 application to infinity with microservices based on classes (with code completion from client side!) and NATS transport
- AdonisJS reCAPTCHA v2 - Verifier for Google ReCAPTCHA v2
- Adonis Request throttler - Middleware for Request throttling
- Adonis Redis RPC - Simple RPC Provider for Adonis 5, based on Redis pub/sub transport
- Adonis Lucid slugify - Generate unique slugs from your Lucid models
- Adonis Lucid Soft Deletes - Addon for soft deletes Lucid models
- AdonisJS Cloudinary - A Cloudinary wrapper for Adonis 5
- AdonisJS Ally Vk - A driver of AdonisJS Ally for
- AdonisJS Ally Yandex - A driver of AdonisJS Ally for Yandex
- AdonisJS Stardust - Access Adonis named routes in the client (inspired by Laravel's ziggy library)
- AdonisJS Ally Gitlab - A Gitlab driver for AdonisJS Ally
- Adonis Drive Azure Storage - A Azure Storage driver for AdonisJS Drive
- Adonis Logger Azure Application Insights - Azure Application Insights for AdonisJS
- AdonisJS hCaptcha - A middleware for AdonisJS to keep your web applications secure from bots using hCaptcha
- AdonisJS JWT Auth - Adds authentication using JWT and refresh tokens
- AdonisJS PBKDF2 hasher - Adds PBKDF2 hasher to your adonisjs project
- Adonis Responsive Attachment - Upload, convert, generate, and persist responsive and thumbnail images at various breakpoints with detailed metadata.
- Adonis Prometheus - Prometheus Provider for Adonis 5 with some builtins metrics for monitoring your application.
- Adonis GRPC Consumer - gRPC client provider for easily communicate with multiples gRPC services.
- AdonisJS Ally Twitch - A Twitch driver for AdonisJS Ally
- AdonisJS Sail - Laravel Sail clone. Generate a ready-to-use docker environment for your AdonisJS application
- Pretty-List-Routes - A beautiful
for AdonisJS - AdonisJS Select Related - Apply inner & outer joins using relationships on your models
- @verful/notifications - Notifications provider for Adonis 5. Inspired by Laravel Notifications
- AdonisJS Ally Figma - A Figma driver for AdonisJS Ally
- AdonisJS Kvn Response - Common REST API response helper to REST API adonisjs project
- Adonis V5 (MongoDB) provider - An article covering how to use MongoDB in your AdonisJS projects
- Set up TailwindCSS using the default Encore package - A quick article explaining what dependencies to install and configuration to add to set up TailwindCSS in a Adonis 5 application, using the default Webpack Encore package for assets management.
- Adonis V5 serverless on AWS Lambda - This is an example repository for running AdonisJS V5 serverless on AWS Lambda.
- How to Implement Caching using Adonis.js 5
- Créer un blog avec Adonis - This is a series of tutorials that allows you to link the features of AdonisJS by creating a blog! (written in French)
- Broadcasting in AdonisJS - How to setup a laravel like Broadcast system
- AdonisJS Crash Course - A concise crash course showing how to create a simple pets API using AdonisJS
- Let's learn AdonisJS - A series for screencasts to learn the framework from scratch
- Using MJML with AdonisJS - A screencast showcasing how to use MJML markup language with the AdonisJS mailer
- AdonisJS 5 From Scratch - A project-based course, where you get to learn AdonisJS 5 by building. We'll cover each aspect of the framework while we gradually build a tasks application.
- Authentication with multiple IDs in AdonisJS 5 - A screencast showing how to allow users to log in with multiple IDs in an AdonisJS 5 application.
- AdonisJS 5: from preview to stable - A screencast walking you through how to migrate an application built with the preview version of AdonisJS 5 to the stable version of AdonisJS 5.
- Kurs AdonisJS 5 (PL) - A series of video courses for the Polish AdonisJS community. In the course we will create a full-fledged application, using practically everything the framework offers us.
- Full-Stack Google Contacts Clone with Adonis.js Framework & Quasar Framework/Vue.js - This series/course (with over 30 articles) takes a learner through the entire process of creating a full-stack Google Contacts clone app with AdonisJS 5 and Quasar 2. Detailed frontend design and backend development for the app are covered.
- Node ace ZSH completions - ZSH completions for the node ace commandline
- Youtube Downloader - Youtube video and audio downloader as example project featuring dockerizing, response streaming and Gitlab CI automatic build + deploy
- Akpoho Invoicing Software - An open-source SaaS-grade application which provides invoicing, quotations, and receipts functionalities for small businesses. Akpoho Software is built with the amazing AdonisJS 5 as the backend, so you can study the source codes and learn how to build your SaaS application with AdonisJS.
- MVP Starter - build faster your next idea with this Adonis Starter providing ready-to-use users management (Sign up, Sign in, logout, forgot password, email verification, roles)
- MVP Admin Starter - build your next Adonis Starter project from a pre-existing admin interface (Register user, Roles, Sign in, Forgot password, Email verification, Impersonating users)
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