<<<<<<< HEAD ##-------A example or a test using webcam to detect apriltags------------ ##--------------Usage--------------------
Just launch the .launch file
$ roslaunch uvc_apriltags_test uvc_apriltags.launch
To change the camera device and config, just edit the launch file and yaml file.
More Usage? Please turn to the wiki pages of this repository.
##--------------files -------------------- Include three documents:
In this document exists a base apriltag lib and two version of apriltags_ros,now is using ethz_apriltag2
To change the blackborder(default is 1),edit
This is an old_uvc camera driver of ros_package
This contain a launch file and some init parameter to run the test.
##--------------about dependengces--------------------
Before compling,you shoule add(or install) the dependences as follow:
1.A old ros package: uvc_camera
see wiki:http://wiki.ros.org/uvc_camera
source git: https://github.com/ktossell/camera_umd
2.Opencv and image_relate dependengce:
3.Apriltags_ros (this package include apriltags C++ libraries,that is the leading-role of our test!)
http://wiki.ros.org/apriltags_ros----The source code (apriltags C++ libraries)
see http://people.csail.mit.edu/kaess/apriltags/
----Infact, the auther of aprtltags is Ed Olson, code Apriltags in java.
see https://april.eecs.umich.edu/wiki/index.php/Download_and_Installation
----Another reference wiki is tekkotsu, see http://wiki.tekkotsu.org/index.php/AprilTags
4.ethz_apriltag2(This is a version of Apriltags_ros edit by ETHZ_ASL team, from kalib)
Notice: This test is using this version. To change normal Apriltags_ros, edit the depends of CMakeLists.txt and package.xml before compiling.