Pinned issues
- 2
folds are gone after diff
#265 opened by mosheavni - 2
#262 breaks the plugin on neovim v0.10.2
#263 opened by WieeRd - 8
- 5
- 1
Error in telescope picker after commit 07f7ea35fe233ab99b5a9137d01140615cdfb4c9
#260 opened by RayJameson - 8
Index out of bounds
#235 opened by BrunoKrugel - 1
Auto fold for imports is so slow
#259 opened by tornoda - 0
set `list` to false
#258 opened by narutozxp - 2
attempt to call method 'range'
#254 opened by srghma - 7
Error when starting debug session if fold is on the beggining of the file
#257 opened by metalinspired - 9
No folding except for manual
#253 opened by jwbullard - 1
Error in decorator.lua on the nightly build
#252 opened by rudiejd - 4
- 4
My opened folds close after saving buffer
#250 opened by dinno7 - 1
Autofolding error
#249 opened by exzolink - 2
UnhandledPromiseRejection error on saving
#246 opened by yriveiro - 3
VsCode like foldlevel
#244 opened by tibimunteanu - 5
- 4
Marker provider not works
#233 opened by shy-robin - 3
nvim-ufo interferes with cursorline mapping
#242 opened by sainttttt - 1
Auto add folds for blocks of comments
#240 opened by sainttttt - 1
Can't seem to recursively close fold
#241 opened by sainttttt - 10
attemp to call field 'nvim__redraw'
#234 opened by lee-shun - 3
Error creating a split if fold exist
#239 opened by nicolas-sabbatini - 1
can't reproduce preview configuration
#237 opened by sineptic - 3
Is it possible to add folds for the sections and the subsections of rmarkdown/quarto documents?
#231 opened by onurcanbektas - 3
zC function
#232 opened by HeraPtt - 3
- 7
Error on clangd.
#229 opened by aabbccddeeffggj - 3
neovim crashes on using nvim-ufo
#228 opened by snr2718 - 8
- 2
- 1
foldlevel-like functionality
#226 opened by Axlefublr - 8
Nothing displayed at the first line after folded
#225 opened by nasoundead - 1
- 11
Conflict between ufo and reactive.nvim causes weird behavior of nvim-cmp scroll_docs
#223 opened by b1nhack - 15
- 3
- 1
- 4
UFO fails to initialize in buffer when the buffer is loaded while hidden then opened (Harpoon)
#210 opened by ejrichards - 0
Visual mode highlight only applies to ctermbg
#214 opened by net - 0
Treesitter provider doesn't respect foldnestmax option
#213 opened by net - 1
index out of bounds
#212 opened by SlartThunder - 2
Toggle fold level numbers for nested folds
#208 opened by shalawfatah - 1
"UnhandledPromiseRejection: expected table, got nil" in nightly NeoVim
#209 opened by sergey-tikhonenko - 5
- 6
- 2
[Ques] Folds are open after formatting
#205 opened by niksingh710 - 1
Folding Hides Function Names with ufo.nvim
#204 opened by alitokur - 2
Error in latest for `treesitter` provider
#203 opened by ctrlplusb